Chapter 8- Arrow

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Chapter 8

Jack POV

I jumped slightly in the air, saying, "Wind," but nothing happened. Then I remembered I couldn't do that anymore. Well, I thought, I guess I'll just have to walk.

I mean, there is no way Jane knows Pitch, let alone is actually working with him. Is there? She just seems too good. But Tooth said there was something wrong with her teeth, and no matter how jealous she may be, there is no way she could lie about teeth. But how could she know Pitch? "Ahh!" I shouted aloud in frustration.

As I walked I began to feel something I have not felt in over 300 years. Goosebumps. I rubbed my hands over my arms, feeling these odd hairy, rigid bumps covering them. That caused me to feel a shiver down my spine completely unrelated to the cold. But as I walked I passed by a couple holding hands, and laughing joyfully. I almost forgot that they won't just pass right through me anymore, and I ran into them.

"Sorry," I mumbled to them, a large grin breaking over my face.

"It's alright," they replied. To me. They talked to me. I have not been talked to by a normal person in 300 years, and I'd forgotten how wonderful that feels. I spinned around, jumping through the air, but fell flat on my face saying, "Omph." Gravity. Ah, I had forgotten about you. how have you been?, I thought to myself sarcastically.

A few minutes later, I walked by a cemetery, and felt something evil. Pitch!

I ran through the cemetery, letting that bad feeling guide me, until I saw her. Jane. Talking. To Pitch. And she didn't appear there against her will, nor was she screaming. 

"Jane...What are you doing?" i asked sorrowfully.

"Jack! Meet Pitch. He's a ghost that used to visit me many years ago when I was going through a bad time, and now he came back" she said, with a slight smile on her lips.

", this can't be true," I whispered to myself, shaking my head.

"Ah, but it is Jack. Isn't this great? A nice big happy reunion. Now all we need are the other Guardians to complete this picture perfect moment," Pitch proclaimed with a slightly sardonic grin.

" you know who he is? He is the...," I was cut short when black tendrils wrapped around my throat, choking me.

Jane POV

"Pitch! What are you doing? Put him down!" I shouted.

Immediately, Pitch withdrew the black tendrils of smoke, and Jack fell on the ground, clutching his throat, wheezing and coughing violently.

"See! See...what!" Jack choked out.

What? Why would he do that? I rushed over to Jack to try to help him, but he pushed me away saying, "No. You chose your side. Stay away from me."

I ran over to Pitch with a pleading look in my eyes, "What is he talking about? Why did you do that?"

He gave me a terrifying, cold look saying, "He got in my way."

I was shocked and took a wary step back from him,"What...what was he about to say?"

"He was saying that I'm the master of fear and nightmares, also known as the Boogeyman," he said with a slight flourish at the end.

I was confused. 

"Then why did you take mine away? Why did you comfort me all that time if you're so evil?"

"You intrigue me. Besides, I feel you have potential. I couldn't have you going off, killing yourself in your depression."

" you never really cared for me at all? You just wanted to use me?"

"Yes," he said. After I looked away for a moment, a slight veil of sadness came over his face at his words.

I took another step back, stumbling and falling to the ground.

"Oh and thanks for bringing Jack Frost right to me, all weak and human. I'm sorry to involve you in all this however. But old feuds and all that good stuff. Now I can finally be rid of him," Pitch said. Now talking to Jack he said, "I gave you the choice to join me once. I'm offering it again. Despite you being worthless. Cold and dark, Jack. Cold and dark."

Jack looked at him with utter hate in his eyes and spat out,"Over my dead body."

"As you wish," Pitch said casually, a black arrow forming in his hands.

"No! Pitch! Please don't do this!" I shouted at him.

"Move little girl. This is between me and Jack," Pitch snarled.

With those words, he launched the arrow at Jack, aimed right at his heart.

Jane POV

"Nooo!" I screamed. In one brave movement, I jumped in front of Jack in a last futile attempt to save him. I gave Jack one last glance, seeing his wide, horrified eyes, before the black arrow pierced my heart.

A wish come true (a Jack Frost/rise of the guardians fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now