Chapter 3-Why now?

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Jack POV

The moon granted my wish. For the first time in 300 years, he responded to one of my pleas. But why? Why this wish over all the others? Right now I didn't care. Right now there was a beautiful girl in front of me who wanted to show me what being human is like.

Jane was an average height with long red hair and a quirky fashion sense. She had a very pale complexion and sparkling grey eyes, and she was looking at me with a similar hopeful expression as the one I was giving her.


I wasn't quite sure where to go from here. In front of me was the cutest and strangest guy I'd ever met, and he wanted me to show him around. I still was a little wary of his story. There was some holes in it. For example, what are the odds he would be "human" now after not being for so long? That's an awful big coincidence.

I decided to go along with it, just for a chance to spend more time with him. It's sad but I am very lonely, and here was someone who actually wanted to spend time with me.

"So....what do you have in mind?" I asked him.

"Well, what do humans like to do?"

"Drink. Hook up. Waste their lives. Sad, but it is true," I said sorrowfully to him.

"Well, what do you like to do?"

"Me? Ummmm... I like to read. A lot. I also like to listen to music. But couldn't you do all these things before?" I said.

"Yes, but I've never been able to anything with other people. No one could see me. No one could talk to me," he said with a sad look in his eyes. I felt bad for him, if it was true.

"So what did you do?"

"Well, before, I was making the cold weather, the snow days, and more recently, protecting the children of the world."

"Doesn't that get old quick?"

"Exactly! You are the first person to get that. It is fine for a while, but it can get boring, doing the same thing over and over, forever. None of the others- north, bunnymund, tooth, they didn't get that. They're content doing the same thing always, but I've always found that harder."

"Wait," I said,"those names sound familiar. Bunnymund.... like the Easter bunny?! And Tooth- it that short for the Tooth Fairy?"

Jack POV

Great. Now she really will think I'm just a crazy human.

"Yes?" I said uncertainly, not wanting to scare her off so soon.

"So you are not only asking me to believe that you are-excuse me- used to be Jack Frost, but now I'm supposed to believe that Santa and the Easter bunny are real too?" she said in an outraged voice.

"Yes?" I said it the same again.

"Ok. let me guess. Santa lives at the North Pole. The Easter bunny lives underground making eggs, and I suppose the sandman is real too, huh?" she said very sarcastically.

"ummm.. actually Bunny lives on Easter island," I said sheepishly, afraid she would leave, but not wanting her to have the facts wrong.

"Of course he does. that makes perfect sense."

"I don't know how I'm supposed to prove it to you! you just have to believe me!" I shouted at her, but at soon as I did I regretted it. She looked very fragile right then, like she was about to break, but considering all the stuff I was trying to get her to believe, I'm surprised it took this long for it all to come crashing down on her.

Jane POV

How can I believe all this? Santa Claus? the tooth fairy? How can they be real? I'd never seen them. One year, I made a secret wish to Santa, but it never came true. I purposefully never told my parents to make sure it wasn't them either. I wished for something small, I don't remember what it was, but the point is, I never got it.

It's not that I'm too stubborn to believe. Trust me, I want to believe this world he is telling me about so bad, but it can't really be true!

Can it?

Jack POV

I had to find some way to prove it to her. She looked like a startled doe. one wrong move and she would be gone forever. I was curious about her and wanted to get to know her more. I mean heck, she kinda did save my life. I figure I at least owe her some answers.

But how can I make her believe?

A wish come true (a Jack Frost/rise of the guardians fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora