Chapter 10- Jack who?

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note: dedicated to Amber_the_Rose once (again!) for her amazing pic she drew of aurora for me, as well as being overall supportive and an awesome friend! :D it's the pic to the side and I'm working on making it my cover!

Chapter 10

Aurora POV

Who is he? He seems like he knows me, but...I don't have a memory of meeting him. I guess I should take him inside.

Instead of plodding through the thick snow, I Jumped to the door in a split second. The door was open, so i slipped through.

It was everything I'd ever imagined and more. There were little red elves underfoot everywhere, and large creatures that I think may be yetis. The yetis, surprisingly, were the ones making the toys, while the elves appeared to be somewhat useless.

"Hello? Any humans here? Or just anyone in general?" I hollered out, but got no response.

Then feeling slightly silly, I tried asking, "Santa?"

That got an answer. A large, jolly man walked out, yelling at a yeti to "Paint them red!" That yeti then banged his head on the table. I tried to smother a chuckle. Then he saw me.

"What have you done to him?" Santa boomed out in a very strong Russian accent.

I looked around me, wondering who he was talking to, but I saw no one else around. Well, that can speak anyways.

"Me? I just found him outside. He called me Jane before he passed out. But I have no idea who Jane is. Do you?"

He looked at me differently as soon as I mentioned the name Jane. I don't know who she is, but she must be pretty important to evoke this much of a reaction.

"You're Jane?"

" I'm Aurora. I'm the keeper of secrets. And sorry, but I just have to ask. Are you really Santa Claus?"

"Actually, my name is North, but yes, I'm santa. But who are you really? I'm guessing you're not human. Did the moon save you?"

"Yes... How did you know that?"

"That is how all of us started. Me, Bunnymund, Toothiana, Sandy. But then later we were changed into Guardians. Like Jack."

"Who's Jack? Him?" I asked, gesturing to the still unconscious guy in my arms. Speaking of that.... I gently set him down on the ground.

"Yes. Jack Frost? Ring any bells?"

"The name seems familiar...isn't he supposed to be the one makes ice on your window or something?"

"Yes....but do you remember him in any other way?"

" Should i?"

"Do you remember anything before you woke to the words of the man in the moon?"

"No... Are you saying I had a life? Before this?"

"Yes. You did. And you know, I should let him tell you if he wishes to."

"When will he wake up? And wait for a second. Didn't you say he is Jack Frost? Umm...then why is he human?"

"That is another tale for him to tell you when he wakes up," concluded Santa, err..North.

"Would you like to stay here? Until he wakes up?" he asked.

"Sure. Could I watch over Jack? I wanna make sure he's all right."

"Of course!" North said, his strong Russian accent booming throughout the workshop.

Me and North carried him to his room where I kept vigil over him until he awoke. But he seemed to be having a nightmare. He was thrashing around, screaming that name again... Jane.

I held him down so he wouldn't hurt himself, saying, "Jack! Wake up. You're having a nightmare. Wake up!"

He continued to whimper that name, until i had an idea and said, "It's me. Jane. You can wake up now. I'm here. I'm alright."

With those words, he bolted upright, with a wild panicked look in his eyes, shouting, "Jane!"

I looked at him, calmly stroking his ams, saying, "It's okay. You're safe now."

Now he appearing to be fully awake, and had calmed down significantly. He was breathing heavily still so I said, "That's right. Breathe in and out. In and out."

When he was fully calm, he looked at me and said, "What happened to you?"

"Umm...What do you mean?'

"After died. Did you see the man in the moon? Did he save you?" A chill went down my spine. Dead? is am I...what?

"I died? What...what...when?"

"After Pitch...Do you really not remember? Should I start from the beginning?"

I was getting very upset, very quickly, and snapped,"Obviously! Because starting from the end is working out sooo well," the sarcasm dripping off my tongue.

"Fine. My name is Jack Frost and I'm a Guardian. That means I protect the children of the world, keeping them safe from harm. And Pitch. He is the master of fear and nightmares. That is what he strives to do. He wants to create a world of darkness, in which everyone fears him and believes in him. But that doesn't bode well for the children. So we have to get rid of him whenever he becomes powerful enough again. Well, that is where you come in. Your name used to be Jane. Somehow you knew him as a child, but I'll get to that later.

I made a wish to the moon to turn human. It came true. But I've been alone and unseen for 300 years. The catch about being like me is that no one can see you unless they believe in you, but of course no one believes in Jack Frost. I became human in the middle of a road when a truck almost ran me over. You saved me. You took me in your house, and I tried to prove who i was by summoning Tooth. But she said some stuff that caused you to flee. But you ran to Pitch. Long story short, he tried to kill me, but you jumped in the way, dying yourself and saving me. Apparently, the moon decided to save you for what you did. Does any of this make sense?"

The whole time he was speaking I was as quiet as a mouse. I couldn't bare to not hear a word. I...I...died? Saving his life? No wonder he was so freaked out when he saw me. He watched me die. For him. But I was still so confused. Why didn't I remember any of this? And why did Pitch's name seem so familiar when nothing else did?

"Say something. Please," Jack pleaded.

"I don't know what to say. I mean, what happens now?"

"Well, what did you say you were the keeper of? We can start by honing your skills. They may be useful in destroying Pitch."

That didn't sound right to me for some reason. I felt, deep in my heart, that this Pitch guy was not truly evil. I don't know where that feeling comes from. it may be related to when he said i knew him as a child.

"Why would we wanna destroy him? I mean, he just sounds like a very lonely guy. Have you ever tried, i dunno, talking to him? Maybe even try to being his friend? "

Jack looked shellshocked, and he chuckled nervously,"Talk to him? Huh. That's a new one."

"Uhh...enough about Pitch. What kinds of powers do you have?"

A wish come true (a Jack Frost/rise of the guardians fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora