-Everything Comes Together-

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(a little intake of Daisho Suguru)

What are you supposed to feel when you lose someone?

When the realisation first hits you it's like a small gush of wind, nothing happens. You don't feel anything.

Not as you hold their hand tight, kissing their pale and cold brow in hopes of feeling just some warmth, because it hasn't hit you yet, the truth.

When it does it coils in your chest like a snake, wrapping around your heart in cruel flutters, squeezing the base of your windpipe until you feel like you can't breathe. But you don't want to, not right now, not when you realise that the last words you said where the ones that you can't redo. The ones that hold a place that you didn't want to give because you wanted more time-

You hold your wife to your chest, her body limp and frail, stained still in blood and sweat. You hadn't the chance to clean her.

Hold her, cradle her, kiss her brow and mutter promises of making your sons lives the ones she would've given them because you can't do it any other way. Not now, not when your world feels like collapsing and you can't find the air to breathe-

It's too hard-

But you must try. For her sons... your sons.

It's quiet again.

Too quiet.

"I'll find a way, my love. I'll make things right. You will see the day our sons walk, I promise."


-Present Day... Daisho-

Daisho's heels tapped against marble floor as he strode to a wall of glass, his eyes snatching over the city below that thrived with night life. From the top floor, he could see it all, all that he owned.

"You've felt it haven't you?" A voice, dark and hissed through the teeth circled around Daisho's feet, "the calls from the north... there's been a disturbance."

With a tic of his head, Daisho smiled, teeth glinting in the darkness of the room only he and his companion stood in. "I expect you want me to do something about 'this'."

"Of coursse... isn't this what you've been waiting for, a fraying in the ties?" A hand, darker than any emerald laid upon Daisho's shoulder, like metal, it was cool and hard to the touch. "Unless you've grown contempt and soft with what I've already granted."

"Our bargain hasn't changed," Daisho peered into his reflection, his eyes catching with his companions in the glass, "What must I do?"

With a pull of his shoulder Daisho turned.

His companion was of no face, rather a body with facial features morphing in pools of dark scales, it was as if it were alive. It shifted with each word or change in emotion.

A physical Ouroboros.

It tilted its head and guided Daisho along, the scales shifting in a figure of eight as it spoke, "as you are aware, times have changed from the world of spears and fire... now... you may finally put your empire to use."

After the death of his wife Daisho had found little interest in life, he'd let it all crumple. His fields were left to ruin, his children left to starve until they were little more than lifeless corpses.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2021 ⏰

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