-The Library-

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It was late at night, the stars hung in the cloudless sky. Ukai sat on a deck chair in the back of his shop staring peacefully at the stars. He was smoking an expensive cigarette from Tokyo, a small celebration for a month's worth of increased sales. He was interrupted mid drag by a small knocking of the shop door. Ukai slowly got up and stumped out the tip of the cigarette, it was pretty much finished anyway, and made his way over to the shop front. Pushing down the wooden blinds that covered the doors window, he immediately recognised the hazel eyes that stared right back at him. Ukai unlocked and opened the door, "I don't know what time you call this, kid."

Tsukishima nodded quickly, "I know but I really need to know something."

"Floors yours."

"When you found me in the woods was I alone?"


Tsukishima rubbed the back of his neck and focused on the hanging basket to the right of the door, "Was there anything out of place or unordinary at all?"

"What are you trying to get at kid? Are you alright?" Ukai looked carefully at Tsukishima, checking for any signs of a fever. He'd never been this bothered before about being found in the forest.

"I think I'm seeing things..." Tsukishima looked briefly at Ukai before staring at his feet with great curiosity.

Ukai stood there for a moment looking at the top of Tsukishima's head. Until something came to him, "I think you should go to Takeda... He probably knows more than I do."

Tsukishima nodded and turned to leave.

"Takeda's house is in the other direction, kid."

"I know that." Tsukishima said concerned, "Won't he be sleeping at this time?"

"Nope." Ukai locked the shop door behind him and motioned for Tsukishima to follow. "He's most likely reading."

"O-okay..." 'wait, how does Ukai know this? Unless...' Tsukishima coughed lightly and refrained from looking in Ukai's direction

The walk to Takeda's was quiet but not awkward. Tsukishima had known Ukai for the whole of his life, he was like an uncle to him. Ukai knocked on the towns library door, Takeda was the local librarian as well as the sub coach for the boys Volleyball club. Moments later a very awake looking Takeda answered the door with a sceptical look on his face.

"If you're here this late at night Ukai it can't be good."

"Nope not me Specs, Tsukki here has a question."

Takeda pushed the door further open and ushered for them to come in.

The library was cloaked in darkness, each isle slowly disappeared into a labyrinth of darkness if you stepped to far away. A single light source was positioned in the middle of the library, a small section of desks sat in groups. One lamp was on at the moment, casting a soft glow over a desk covered in books. 

"You came at the right time I'd just finished my chapter." Takeda closed up a dusty book and started to neatly arrange the other books on the desk to something neater. Tsukishima briefly looked in Ukai's direction, he had to give him credit for being so subtle. The man had a crush on Takeda. Tsukishima sat in the chair opposite Takeda and interlaced his fingers on his lap.

"You found me in the forest." Tsukishima started; Takeda nodded, and Tsukishima continued, "Can you tell me what happened?"

Takeda sighed and repositioned his glasses, "It was late, a storm had just passed. Ukai and I, along with fifteen other volunteers lined the road up the hill near the forest edge."

Tsukishima nodded and remained silent.

"I was about to set off to a different location of the forest when we heard a loud crash coming from within the trees. When we went to see what had made the noise, we only found you sleeping in a match of moss."

"What made the noise?" Tsukishima looked at both Takeda and Ukai.

Ukai took breath and paused briefly before saying, "I don't know if this helps but there was a log in hanging in the trees."

Tsukishima leaned back in his chair, looking down at his ankle. None of this linked up.

Tsukishima stood up and bowed slightly at Takeda and then to Ukai, "Thank you for giving up your spare time. I'm sorry for bothering you."

Tsukishima then turned and left without another word.

"I worry for him Keishin." Takeda took off his glasses and rubbed the inner corners of his eyes. Ukai took the spot which Tsukishima was previously sat in and nodded in agreement.

"What do you think he meant by there being 'anything else'?" Ukai asked quietly.

Takeda went quiet before slamming both hands down on the table. Ukai shot up in his seat and stared at Takeda afraid to talk.

"When Tsukishima was younger he spoke of a cat!" exclaimed Takeda beaming widely.

"...yes?" Ukai swallowed heavily.

"What if he's seen the spirits of the forest Keishin?" Takeda looked ecstatic, even his glasses where put on at an awkward angle. Ukai watched in amusement when Takeda got up and made his way over to one of the isles. Takeda made small steps but swayed his hips and kept his arms bent and to his sides, Ukai concluded this man was on a mission.

What he didn't realise though, until it was too late, Takeda had picked up the lamp and had walked off with it. Leaving him in the dark.

Ukai tumbled after Takeda and leaned, hopefully looking casual, against the bookcase the Takeda was looking through. It apparently didn't matter because Takeda had immediately started to pile books into Ukai's arms. Takeda smiled up at Ukai and wiggled his eyebrows.

After a long hour of watching Takeda sort through the dusty volumes, Ukai close to falling asleep when Takeda slammed a scroll down in front of him.

"There are rumoured to be spirits still wandering the earth from the time of the Gods." Takeda smiled excitedly at Ukai.

Ukai almost fell of his chair from the shock of Takeda's sudden outburst, "Do you really think this is a good idea?" Ukai straightened himself on the chair.

"The kids went through a lot."

"I know... but it might help put his mind at rest. I haven't seen him that agitated for a long time."

Ukai nodded and gently rolled up the scroll, "I'll give this to Tsukishima... I live closer any way."

He nodded a goodbye to Takeda and made his way out of the library.

Takeda stumbled after Ukai and grabbed his shoulder, "T-Thank you.". Ukai smiled slightly.

"No problem specs."

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