-An unexpected meeting-

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Akaashi and Tsukishima walked side by side through the forest, an awkward silence between them. They had both calmed down significantly from their breakout, but the feeling still lingered. Akaashi kept on glancing in Tsukishima's direction, he had been silent for a while now. It was worrying him.

"Are you alright Tsukishima?" Akaashi asked quietly, he knew that overstepping his boundaries wouldn't benefit either of them. Tsukishima nodded once; he had no idea what to say. He wasn't expecting to actually find answers. Speaking right now is the last thing he wanted to do.

He or Kuroo could've been killed for that one meeting if it hadn't been for this stranger's precautions. In many ways Tsukishima owed him everything, but at the same time he couldn't help but resent Akaashi. If he had known this years ago he wouldn't have had all these issues, he would've found it easier to let go.

Near the edge of the forest Akaashi bowed to Tsukishima, "Please don't come looking for Kuroo-san... I know it must be hard for you but do it for Kuroo's sake."

Tsukishima bowed back at Akaashi before continuing down the dirt track quietly. A soft chime of a bell sounded behind him, signalling that the spirit was most likely gone. He pulled his phone of his back pocket; the screen had a small crack.

"Crap" Tsukishima muttered; it was probably from where he fell earlier. Turning it on he noticed how many notifications he had. Six from his mum, eleven from Akiteru and five from Yamaguchi. All missed calls. Tsukishima sighed and rubbed at the inner corners of his eyes, clicking on Akiteru's name.

"Where the hell are you?!" Akiteru's voice practically screamed from the phone's speaker.

"I went for a walk... I forgot to check the time." Tsukishima lied, kicking at the dirt on the road.

"Jesus Kei! I thought we'd lost you again. Where abouts are you?"

"I'm close to main street."

Akiteru clicked his tongue in annoyance, Tsukishima could hear his mum in the background. He was screwed.

"Come home now before Mum loses her cool, ok?" Tsukishima could hear the stress in his brother's voice.

"Yeah." Tsukishima ended the call. Slipping the phone back into his pocket he started home. Today really wasn't his day, was it?


Akaashi stumbled into the sanctuary, his wings dragging heavily behind him. He was grateful the others were asleep; he wasn't in the mood to be questioned. A soft patter of footsteps came down the eastern stairwell, Sugawara stood at the bottom of the steps. Akaashi braced himself for a scolding but instead got an arm around his shoulder, "Come explain to me... you look beat Keiji." Sugawara smiled and led Akaashi to his room, allowing him to lean on him for support.

Akaashi landed gently on his bed followed soon by Sugawara who sat by his side waiting patiently.

"You already know don't you?" Akaashi voice was barely above a whisper.

"Of course... it's about the human." Sugawara squeezed Akaashi's hand.

"I made the wrong decision... it has caused more pain than I had intended, and I can't fix it."

Sugawara sighed and pulled Akaashi's hand into his lap, caressing it in an attempt to sooth him.

"You expect too much of yourself Keiji, you did something many wouldn't. You've taken your friends struggles and put them in place of your own." Sugawara smiled at Akaashi, "Selflessness is a golden trait many lack. Unfortunately, with it comes many burdens."

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