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Tsukishima groggily opened his eyes to the harsh glow of moonlight coming in through his bedroom window. Squinting, he held a hand up to cover his eyes as he reached over to his bed side table for his glasses. Once he had placed the glasses on his face he sat up and scanned the room, it was just like normal. Pushing himself to his feet, Tsukishima lightly stepped over to his window. Just as he was about to slide it shut a larger hand placed itself over his and a warmth spread across Tsukishima's back. Tsukishima ripped his hand out from underneath the larger one and spun round, only to find himself in a strong, restricting embrace.

Tsukishima pressed his palms as hard as he could against the chest of the stranger, "Let me g- "

"I didn't mean to startle you Tsukishima." The stranger purred softly.

Tsukishima froze. He knew that voice.

Tsukishima suddenly recognised the red fabric that encased him and the soft lingering smell of trees that hung to them. He lifted his head to meet a gaze of gold. Tsukishima let out a sob and hugged Kuroo tightly, his legs went limp but Kuroo held him close.

"Find me, Tsukki." Kuroo whispered, "You know where to look."

Tsukishima quickly sat up and clutched at the sheets of his bed. The suns light seeped in through the cracks of his windows. It was just a dream. Tsukishima fell back onto his pillow and sighed loudly before kicking his legs out and rubbing his eyes with the palms of his hands vigorously. His dream running over and over in his mind.

"Disgusting" He told himself as he got up. Slipping on a fresh t-shirt and shorts Tsukishima went to his window and leaned his head out. The cool air grazed past, ruffling his hair gently.

"You're not real" He whispered.

"You alright kid?"

Startled, Tsukishima looked down to the courtyard. Ukai stood below with a wide cardboard tube in his arms.

"Morning, and I'm fine thanks."

Ukai nodded and lifted the tube. "Specs wanted me to give this to you... uh, can you catch?"

Tsukishima's eyes widened. Was he about to throw it?


"Great! Here kid." Ukai threw it straight up into the air. Tsukishima reached out of his window and barely caught the tube before throwing himself back into his room before he fell.

"Nice catch!" Ukai's cheery voice sounded from outside of the window. Tsukishima sighed loudly and put the tube to the side. He eventually got up and went to his window again. Ukai had already left.

Sighing heavily Tsukishima shook his head, "What a morning...". Tsukishima bent down and picked up the cardboard tube, it was surprisingly heavy. Pulling the plastic disk at the end of the tube a small 'pop' came out when he pulled off the disk. Two wooden knobs were the only thing Tsukishima could see, he reached in and tried to pull it out. It was tightly packed and wasn't moving.

Tsukishima held onto both of the wooden knobs and pulled it as hard as he could. Suddenly the object inside shot out knocking Tsukishima off balance.

"What the hell?" Tsukishima was starting to feel as if today wasn't going to be the best of days. He looked down at the scroll. It had rolled out over the floor.

Vibrant pictures of men and women covered in gold and blue light covered half the length of the paper, the other half however showed pictures of giant animals of all breeds. Tsukishima's eyes raced across the text that lined the bottom of the scroll.

'Gods... Spirits... Shifters... Secondary forms...'

Tsukishima covered his mouth and fell to his knees.


Hinata dawdled lazily after Kageyama as they went on their weekly Saturday walk around Miyagi.

"Why are you walking so fast!" Hinata complained for the fourth time in a row.

"I'm not 'fast' you just have small legs." Kageyama didn't even bother to look back and just carried on down the path. Hinata groaned loudly and ran to catch up with Kageyama. He pouted up at Kageyama and then down to the floor in defeat, although his mood lightened when Kageyama smoothly slipped his hand around his and interlaced their fingers.


But Hinata knew he didn't mean that.

Around noon Kageyama had decided it was a good time to stop for a moment. It was a hot day and both were thirsty.

"What do you want?" Kageyama looked over to Hinata who had collapsed in a shaded patch of grass.


"What do you want to drink?"

Hinata blushed slightly and sat up, "You don't have to buy me one"

"I w-want to... so just chose a drink dumbass" Kageyama looked away from Hinata and scowled, his cheeks dusted pink.

"okay... water please."

Kageyama nodded once before walking off to the closest vending machine which was just down the road. Hinata slapped his hands over his face and fell onto the grass, his heart was fluttering.

They had been dating for just under a year, but he still felt so giddy around him. Hinata had confessed on the day before they went to nationals as second years, he had never felt so stupid in his life. It didn't help that Kageyama hadn't returned feelings until after nationals.

But to Hinata it was worth it.

Hinata uncovered his eyes and stared up at the sky, he frowned. A large white bird soared in the sky just around the cloud line. Even from so far away it looked like the size of kite. He stood up and walked out from under the cover of the trees, the bird was getting bigger as it slowly descended. No, not slowly, it shot down. Hinata panicked as the bird got closer and closer. The bird suddenly spread its wings out and flew straight into the trees, flying right by Hinata.

Hinata yelped and raised his hands above his head in shock. Turning slowly, he then bolted off in the direction of Kageyama.

Kageyama had just clicked the buttons for both a bottle of water and a carton of milk when a flash of orange crashed into his side and hung to him tightly.

"BOKE HINATA! BOKE!" Kageyama grabbed onto the vending machine for support as Hinata stayed clung to his torso. Kageyama quickly calmed down when he noticed Hinata wasn't talking and was shaking slightly.

"Shoyo what's wrong?" Kageyama ran a hand through Hinata's hair gently.

"T-there was t-this b-b-big bird a-and it shot straight p-past me like z-zo-zoom!" Hinata stuttered out into Kageyama's top. Kageyama bit his lip and refrained himself from laughing, he really was concerned for Hinata but the fact that he was afraid of a bird made him want to laugh.

Kageyama instead decided to hug Hinata back and give him the bottle of water he had just bought.

"It's gone now so just try to calm down ok?"

Hinata nodded and took the bottle and mumbled a small thanks as he detached himself from Kageyama. For the rest of the walk Kageyama couldn't help but wonder what exactly Hinata had seen. There's nothing scary about a big bird... right?

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