-A Roach-

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Akiteru stared in disbelief, "Seriously, Kei?! First you scare the hell of us with not coming home and now this." He gestured towards Kuroo.

Tsukishima straightened himself, "Ok this isn't my fault."

"Whose is it then?! You're literally standing in your room looking like you want to kill someone."

Tsukishima squinted slightly at Akiteru and then to Kuroo. 'Wait what?'

Akiteru face palmed, "I'm really worried Kei. What are you looking at?".

"A r-roach!" He blurted out.

"...a roach?"

"Yes! It woke me up, so I tried to get rid of it, I slapped it but it's still here... I think."

Kuroo gaped at Tsukishima, was he seriously just called a roach? Him, an elegant masterpiece of artwork. Called a roach?!

Akiteru eyes widened in disbelief, "You slapped a roach?"

"It was on my face, so I hit it away, it was disgusting." Tsukishima nodded and flicked his glasses back up his nose.

Kuroo threw his hands up exasperated, "You wound me Tsukki!". Tsukishima payed no attention to the dramatic movements; Kuroo looked like he was having a fit.

Akiteru pulled Tsukishima's door partially shut, "Just... just go to bed Kei. Please? I've had enough for one day."

Tsukishima nodded slightly and put his hands in his pyjama pockets. When the door was shut and Akiteru's footsteps had faded down the landing Tsukishima's head whipped round, "Why didn't he see you?" He whispered furiously. Kuroo's brows knotted together, "Only the pure of heart and mind can see us, didn't you know this?" he replied through pouted lips.


"Oh... well now you do." Kuroo smiled brightly. Tsukishima groaned and fell backwards onto his bed, bringing his hands up to his face he gripped onto his cheeks and rubbed them violently. "One minute you're asking me to find you in my dream. Next that stupid tangerine makes it even worse by saying he's seeing things. Then a complete stranger tells me I'm potentially in danger, and now the guy from my dream is in my room telling me I'm special."

Tsukishima sat up, the mattress bouncing with his movements, and pointed accusingly at Kuroo, "Couldn't you have just stayed in my dreams?!" His voice close to raising higher than a whisper.

Kuroo crossed his arms tilted his head, "Well it hasn't exactly been easier for me either, Tsukki."

"Oh really?" Tsukishima countered, "Have you ever been called insane? Have you ever been ridiculed for being a weirdo who sees imaginary people?!"

Kuroo remained quiet.

"You couldn't have possibly of have had it bad. My childhood was a disaster!"

The spirit opened his mouth and then closed it again. Kuroo waited a moment before saying, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make this hard on you."

Tsukishima sat back on his bed, his back hit the wall as he pulled a pillow into his arms. Huffing, he flicked his chin to the side, Kuroo took the gesture and sat at the end of Tsukishima's bed.

"I truly did want to see you Tsukki, but the Elders find out about things so easily. I couldn't risk them finding you."

"Yet you're here now." Tsukishima said into his pillow. Kuroo looked up at him, "I had help getting here." Tsukishima nodded and brought his knees up higher.

"Who are these 'Elders'? I've heard the term a lot."

"They're the last of the Gods who survived the uprising. Over the years that followed they were still dying out, so they formed a set of rules to protect those who remained." Kuroo leaned back against the wall next to Tsukishima, "and before you ask, no I'm not a God. I'm the lost soul of one of the last loyal humans to the Gods. If that makes sense."

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