-The Owl at Dusk-

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"Kei honey... you were found by the edge of the forest asleep. It was just a dream." Tsukishima's mother sat at the end of his bed with a half-read story book in her lap.

"No, it wasn't. There was a cat spirit, and his name is Kuroo." Tsukishima repeated strongly, he had been trying to convince his family and friends that what he saw was real and not a dream.

"And he did heal my ankle! Because I broke it when I fell but when he transformed he fixed it with magic!" He continued to look at his mother with a determined face.

His mother sighed and placed the book on the lamp side table and ruffled Tsukishima's hair.

"There's no such thing as spirits Kei. So please stop making things up." She flicked off the lights and kissed her son on the head before leaving, "Good Night, Kei." When the door clicked shut all Tsukishima could do was sit there disappointedly. No one would believe him. Not even Akiteru.

-Present Day-

Tsukishima pulled the gym door shut after the last first year left. They had been training later in the evenings as the Volleyball nationals where coming up, and Tsukishima being the only responsible one got left with lock up duty. Last time it was given to one of the other third years Yamaguchi had to go home early because of study clubs, Hinata managed to get them stuck up a tree and Kageyama had swallowed one by accident. No one asks how it happened, they didn't really want to.

When a loud click came from the turning key he slipped it into his pocket and made his way down the street back home. Miyagi hadn't changed in the years that he lived there, little money, run down shops and homes, roads and pavements filled with potholes and the constant stray animals that littered the alleyways. There weren't many cars anymore, fuel stations had long since run out of business. Miyagi was behind the times. Tsukishima preferred it that way though the quiet streets let his mind wander instead of constantly being occupied.

Slipping off the main street to a dirt track Tsukishima leisurely made his way up the steep hill. Loosening the top three buttons of his school shirt he shielded his eyes from the blazing summers sun.

He exhaled heavily through his nose the wind was gentle at the top, refreshing. Tsukishima stared out over Miyagi, with the sun reflecting off each window and metal roof it was like the actual town was alive. When he had time to spare he would waste them away just staring out over Miyagi.

A sudden gush of strong wind ripped past Tsukishima knocking him off balanced, he gasped and crossed his arms over his face to shield himself. Spinning to face away and use his back against the gust of wind he noticed a quick blur of grey and white feathers shoot past his arm. Just as it came the wind suddenly stopped, and there perched on an old tree stump was a white horned owl. Tsukishima stared into its bright amber eyes stunned. It was huge.

"Hoo" The owl tilted its head and spread its wings, the grass below shook as the owl took off and curved following the old dirt track deep into the forest.

Tsukishima stayed still, too stunned to move. He looked down the track half through his tilted glasses.

"E-e-eh... uh... ha-h?!" unable to form words he finally lowered his arms and clutched the baggy fabric of his shirt breathing quickly. What the hell just happened? His mind raced through thought after thought until it finally stopped on one name, one damned name.

With a click of his tongue Tsukishima placed his glasses firmly back onto his face and snatched his bag off the floor.

"You're just tired." He muttered as he stomped down the dirt track back to Miyagi, "Hinata and Kageyama are just wearing you out like the idiots they are."

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