-Quiet nights and Early mornings-

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"What's this?"

"It's a velociraptor... its around three metres long and five feet tall." Tsukishima was typing out an essay as Kuroo asked question upon question about his figures. Kuroo placed it back carefully, "It looks like a weird bird."

Tsukishima nodded not looking away from the screen, "They are very similar to them, it was suggested that they were even warm-blooded like birds.". Kuroo nodded his head once and raised his eyebrows, Tsukishima really knew his stuff.

"How about this one?" Kuroo picked up the largest of Tsukishima's collection. Tsukishima glanced up, "Tyrannosaurus, or T-rex."

"This one?"


"Ruh-hampoor-hin-cus. What?"

Tsukishima smirked and pointed to a poster up on his wall, it was all the names of the dinosaurs on his shelf and how to pronounce them. Kuroo looked closely, "As if this is any easier to say... I'll just call it Lizard Bird."

Tsukishima shook his head, "You called the Pterodactyl that."

"Lizard Bird two, then." Kuroo picked up the T-rex and started to make roaring sound effects as he tapped it along Tsukishima's desk. Tsukishima watched as Kuroo moved the dinosaur closer to his laptop, "You're working too late Tsukki.". Kuroo moved the dinosaur up and down.

"I'm almost finished you idiot." Tsukishima huffed and continued to type; he had forgotten to do this the week before when it was first set. Kuroo had a hand in that, constantly distracting him. Kuroo watched over Tsukishima's shoulder as he finished his fifth page, what the hell were electrons and protons? Kuroo was still trying to get accustomed to the modern world, he was extremely behind in the times. Not that he needed to, he just had an interest in it.


Tsukishima hummed in response; he was currently trying to send in his essay. The teachers really don't make it easy.

"Can I stay with you tonight?"

Tsukishima stopped, his fingers hovering over the keyboard, "W-what?"

"Can I stay over?" Kuroo repeated.

"I know what you said you idiot," Tsukishima closed his laptop and spun in his chair to face Kuroo. The lingering threat of the Elders was still in the back of his thoughts. The last thing he wanted was trouble with, well. Real Gods. They had put themselves into an awkward position.

Kuroo approached Tsukishima, it was almost like when they first met in the forest. He was slow with his movements, gentle with his words. Tsukishima remembered when he first saw Kuroo in his natural form, he'd never felt that safe before. It almost felt wrong for it to be so right.

Tsukishima nodded and leaned his chin on his knee, "Why do I have a feeling this thing between us will end badly." Kuroo smirked and shrugged, "When does anything nice not?"

Tsukishima rolled his eyes and smiled; he didn't have it in him to push Kuroo away. It was hard enough the first time. Unfolding his arms, Tsukishima flicked the desk lamp off. The soft glow of the setting sun was enough to cast a very feint glow.

Tsukishima pulled his hoodie off as he kneeled onto his bed, tossing it randomly before he lay near the wall.

"I don't have a spare bed." Tsukishima said as he took his glasses off and placed them above his head. Kuroo shrugged and moved to lay beside him.

"Tell me about yourself Tsukki." Kuroo looked up at the glowing stars on the ceiling. Tsukishima groaned and shoved his face into one of his pillows. "There's not much to tell," he mumbled.

Kuroo looked to Tsukishima and waited for a response. With a roll of his eyes Tsukishima gave in.

"I am a third year at Karasuno High, I have a couple of idiots for classmates." He thought for a moment for something that could be marginally interesting.

"I'm a middle blocker in volleyball..," the added slightly quieter, "...and I like strawberry shortcake and dinosaurs." Kuroo snorted. It earnt him a pillow in the face. Tsukishima huffed in annoyance, so much for opening up to him.

"I think that's cute Tsukki," came Kuroo's muffled voice.

"Shut up."

Kuroo laughed and placed the pillow behind his head. When his laughter died down, they looked at each other in silence.

"How about you?" Tsukishima blurted. Kuroo blinked a few times, "I like dogs and mackerel."

Tsukishima couldn't help but laugh as well.


Hinata was bored. Tremendously so.

Kageyama had promised to meet him in their favourite lounging spot. Had he shown up yet? No. He stared up through the gap in the leaves, 'their spot' was a small grass patch far into the forest near the edge of Miyagi. They had stumbled upon it when they were first years, Hinata had ran a head of the other volleyball players in an attempt to beat Kageyama in training. So of course they ended up lost. It was Kageyama's fault though if he didn't provoke him they wouldn't have become lost.

Rolling onto his front, Hinata fiddled with the long grass. Braiding the grass with well-practiced ease. He had taken it upon himself to learn how to do hair when he discovered he was getting a sister, it also helped to pass time when he was home alone with Natsu. He snapped a blade of grass and tied it at the end of the grass braid. He nodded at his handy work, "Not too bad." Hinata sighed loudly and pulled his phone out of his front trouser pocket, he had to yank it out as he was on his front. Flipping it open he sent a text to Kageyama.

-Where are you? I've been waiting 4 ages.-

To his surprise Kageyama messaged back almost immediately.

-BoKE! We decided 2meet up at 10 not 9.-

Hinata scrolled back up to check if what Kageyama was saying was true. To his dismay it was.

-Plz dont forget! 10 at our spoot.-

Hinata scowled and sent a quick apology before putting his phone back into his pocket and face planting the grass. He suddenly felt a soft thud in his fingertips, lifting his head Hinata looked around the trees. His imagination, most likely. This time he felt it go through his entire body.

"What?" he whispered; another thud shook the ground. This time he could hear it, along with the snapping of wood. Hinata went still as he listened closely. The whirl of machines hit his ears as it grew louder. In his haste to get up he tripped on his shoelaces and hit the ground, "Ouch!"

The shaking increased as the noise filled his ears. Tires? But why would vehicles be in the forest? Hinata looked up at the tops of the trees, they where swaying. No... They were falling like dominos. He ran through the green, leaves and branches had started to fall around him.

Jumping over the earth, only now did he realise where the sound could've come from. Someone was cutting down the trees and caused the rest to fall with the weight. A sickening crack echoed into his ears, he turned briefly. He shouldn't have.

Hinata gasped as a large tree trunk fell right above him. Move. Move!

But he was frozen on the spot.

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