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Tsukishima was drained. He hadn't slept solidly for the entire weekend, and now he was back at school just made him even groggier. He slouched over his desk; his music turned up enough to block out the sound of his classmates. But not loud enough to block out Hinata's annoying voice.

"What is it!" Tsukishima pulled off his headphones and stared at Hinata.

Hinata fiddled with the buttons at the end of his shirt and mumbled, "I was wondering if I could ask you something in private... you seemed like the only person to give a logical answer."

Tsukishima sighed and dragged himself out of his chair and started out of the classroom gesturing Hinata to follow. Hinata smiled widely and skipped after Tsukishima.

The roof was cold this time of the morning, the sun rises behind the forest, so you don't get its warmth until later. Hinata stood next to Tsukishima, leaning against the railing.

"I'm not waiting all morning" Tsukishima pressed his back to the railing, so he was facing the opposite way to Hinata.

"Ok but you can't judge me!" Hinata looked up at Tsukishima.

"No promises."

Hinata sighed but continued, "I was out walking with Kageyama because that's what we usually do. But then when he went to go get drinks a massive white bird flew past me like WHOOSH!" Hinata swung his arm in an arc.

"It had a huge beak that with like this big!" Hinata pointed to his hand dramatically, "and it's feathers where like spikes." Hinata pushed the sided of his hair up with both of his hands.

"I told Kageyama, but he didn't believe me..."

Tsukishima gripped the railing and swallowed, "So?". It came out reasonably normal.

"Oh, um yeah..." Hinata looked over the town, "Do you believe in the stories we were told as kids... like the ones about the wandering spirits and stuff?"

Tsukishima forced a laugh and shook his head, "No of course not you simpleton idiot, they're just fictional creatures made to amuse kids." Tsukishima pushed off the railing and made his way to the stairway.

"It probably looked huge because you're so small." He smirked at waved over his shoulder to Hinata, "later."

"Yeah... bye" Hinata rubbed the back of his neck. 'But I know what I saw'

As soon as the last bell rung, Tsukishima was already making his way towards the school gates. He was close to leaving before a familiar hand tugged on his shoulder.

"Where you going Tsukki?" Yamaguchi asked before adding, "We've got practice today"

Tsukishima clicked his tongue and shook Yamaguchi's hand off.

"My mum is having problems with her work computer and Akiteru isn't home." He lied quickly. Yamaguchi looked closely at Tsukishima, "Alright... I'll let you off this time."

Tsukishima nodded and continued out of the school gates. Yamaguchi could only sigh as he watched him go.

"What's wrong with Tsukishima?" Yachi popped up from behind Yamaguchi and held onto his sleeve slightly.

"He has something on his mind." Yamaguchi replied, slipping his hand into Yachi's.

"I'm sure he'll figure it out." Yachi squeezed Yamaguchi's hand gently.


Tsukishima stood at the base of the hill peering up the dirt track. He had gone straight home but a single look at the scroll had urged him to come after all. The first step was the easiest but each one that followed felt heavier and heavier. It wasn't until he got to the top, did the weight finally subdue. Tsukishima stood at the top of the old road that lead deep into the forest. He could clearly remember the last time he had ventured into the forest. Tsukishima had dragged Akiteru into the trees and to the spot that he had first seen the black cat, and just like the many times before, the cat never showed up. So, like every logical kid he gave up believing in something that would only hurt him.

A small gush of wind pushed past his ankles, almost urging him to go forward. Tsukishima slowly walked down the road, the endless green surrounding him. As he went deeper the darker the light got, the trees gradually becoming larger. A small patch of light peaked through the many layers of trees illuminating the ground below. Tsukishima sighed and looked up through the gap in the tree.

"How can I find you?" Tsukishima called out, "Kuroo?"


Tsukishima jumped and turned around; a large brown owl sat on a branch in a nearby tree.


"Are you a spirit?" Tsukishima couldn't quite believe he was asking an owl a question. The owl stayed quiet and continued to look at Tsukishima through piercing blue eyes. Tsukishima slouched and shook his head, "Of course you're not. What a stupid question."

He made it about five steps back the way he came when a blinding blue light shot through the trees. When he looked behind him, a giant sphere of blue hovered just below where the owl previously was.

He was terrified. Tsukishima tripped and scrambled backwards until he hit the trunk of a tree.

Just as the spheres light dimmed a dark silhouette of a man slowly appeared. The light faded and the forest was once again dim. In the small patch of light, which Tsukishima had previously stood in, a spirit with dark hair looked directly at Tsukishima. He stepped gracefully towards Tsukishima his dark kimono swaying gently with each move he made. Even the brown wings on his back held there place perfectly, he was mesmerising.

Tsukishima couldn't move, was it relief that he felt or intensity? Why did it hurt so much to now know that all these years he hadn't been imagining things?

"For someone who is very conflicted, you do give up quickly." The spirit spoke softly. He held out a hand for Tsukishima.

Tsukishima curled up and covered his head with his arms, shaking his head violently. Akaashi kneeled down in front of the shaking boy. Reaching out tenderly he softly touched Tsukishima's shoulder.

Tsukishima jumped at the contact; he shouldn't be able to feel the hand of his shoulder. It was all in his head. It was all in his head!

Akaashi could feel his distress, his anger. He tightly wrapped his arms around Tsukishima, in an attempt to reassure him.

"Forgive us..." was all Akaashi could think tosay.

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