-Paper Planes-

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The steady beat of music blocked out the annoying chatter of his classmates as Tsukishima stared aimlessly out the open window. The lunch bell hadn't long since rung, so like every other day Tsukishima was sat in his usual spot waiting for a certain freckled faced companion.

"Hey Tsukki!" Yamaguchi Tadashi skipped towards Tsukishima, weaving his way around the single desks that filled the room in organised rows. Tsukishima slipped his headphones around his neck and looked up at his over excited friend with a bored expression.

"Yachi and Hinata are up on the roof." Yamaguchi leaned against Tsukishima's desk, "You want to join them? It's a nice day."

Tsukishima stared at Yamaguchi for a moment before replying, "Its not like I have a choice you're going to drag me along no matter what I say." He reluctantly got up and slipped his bag over his shoulder and followed Yamaguchi to the rooftop.

Yachi folded the corners of a piece of paper together and neatly folded it length ways in half.

"Hinata I think you rushed yours a bit." She laughed at the mess Hinata held in his hands, she had been trying to teach him how to make a paper plane. Hinata pouted and placed it on the floor in defeat, "Why is this so hard!"

Tsukishima snickered at Hinata's attempt of a plane, "You must really be an idiot if you can't even make a paper plane."

"Shut up Stingyshima!" Hinata shot back, glaring daggers at Tsukishima.

Tsukishima sat in silence as the others continued to make paper planes, they had this little 'tradition' of making paper planes filled with a little wish. They would fly them from the school roof and watch them fly over Miyagi, up until now Yachi or Yamaguchi would make Hinata a plane. Otherwise his wouldn't even make it off the roof.

Hinata cheered as he held up a decently folded plane, a smile plastered on his face. Yachi laughed as Hinata got up and started running around in rejoice. Tsukishima had never understood Hinata's ability to be pleased by such simple things. He almost envied him in a way.

"You want to do one Tsukki?" Yamaguchi held a second one towards Tsukishima with a small smile.

Tsukishima huffed, "I don't believe in making silly little wishes."

"It won't hurt to just join in."

"I really don-" Tsukishima was abruptly cut off by his companion shoving the plane and a pen into his lap. He clicked his tongue in frustration but picked them up anyway.

Yachi, Hinata and Yamaguchi stood at the metal railing. Paper planes in hand. Tsukishima stood at Yamaguchi's side and brought his plane to shoulder height, rolling his eyes when Hinata smirked at him.

"Ready... Go!" Yachi was the first to release hers, followed shortly by the others.

They all watched the planes soar over Miyagi; the planes looked almost like birds. Tsukishima watched his plane be carried by the wind until it was out of sight. It was just a silly paper plane.

So why was he so anxious?

The scratching of the blackboard pierced Tsukishima's ears as the teacher wrote the assignment in bold white writing. It was like this every lesson; the screeching of the black board was a pain. Karasuno, the school in which Tsukishima attended, had been low on funds since Shiratorizawa was built in a nearby district. The rival school was a lot easier to travel to, had better supplies and facilities, all of its teachers where professors straight from Tokyo and it was new. Like the saying goes out with the old and in with the new. Time was catching up with Miyagi.

Tsukishima turned his attention from the board to the open window to his left, he could just make out the hill in the distance. Well 'hill' most of the ground had eroded during the passing seasons, leaving it to look more like a cliff. Tsukishima leaned towards the window when a small flutter of movement caught his eye. It looked more like a brown blob hopping near the edge of the hill. Before he could make out what it was Hinata harshly pulled on his collar yanking him back into reality.

"Boke Hinata! Boke!" Kageyama, who was sat next to Hinata smacked the tangerine around the head.

"I asked you to get his attention not rip his head off!" Kageyama gave Tsukishima an apologetic look.

"Owww Bakeyama, you didn't have to hit me so hard!" Hinata shot back.

"Well I wouldn't have to if you weren't stupid in the first place, stupid."

"You are so anno-"

"What do you two idiots want." Tsukishima was already annoyed with both of them, he still didn't understand how they both made it into one of the top sets. They had the attention spans of goldfishes.

Hinata and Kageyama had both made a deal to focus more in lessons as they where both in their final year of school. They wanted to leave with good scores that would allow them into a decent college, well that and the fact they didn't want to miss a single tournament of volleyball. The principle had threatened them with a ban on volleyball practice. It seemed to do the trick. Tsukishima would never say this aloud but Hinata was slightly better than him, well if the idiot actually managed to put the answers in the right place he might get top score. Kageyama would also be a top scorer if he put that brain of his to use, being able to obtain and recall knowledge like him was something Tsukishima could never do. But alas just like Hinata, he was also an utter idiot who couldn't do the simplest of things.

Hinata and Kageyama both turned around to face Tsukishima.

"Kageyama and I were wondering if you could lock up for us after our match against the first years later." Hinata looked like a four year old asking his mum for sweets, Tsukishima snorted.

"What am I? Your mother?" He shook his head, "Stop being so incompetent and do it yourself."

Hinata tilted his head and leaned over to Kageyama, "What does that mean?".

"I think it means stupid."

"How do you know that, and I don't?"

"Because your brain is literally a volleyball dumbass."

"I never asked what you thought of my brain!"

Tsukishima coughed loudly. His patience wasstarting to wear thin, "I'll do it if you leave me to do my work." He had nochoice but to agree. If he didn't, he would have to deal with their bickeringfor the rest of the hour. Tsukishima was fairly certain if he did he would gobrain dead.

The duo nodded in unison and turned back to their work. Tsukishima sighed and rubbed his temples he could feel a headache coming on.

 When he looked out of the window, to his disappointment, the brown figure had disappeared from the hill top.

 'How annoying...' He thought. 

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