-Tender Hearts-

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Akaashi swallowed thickly as he pulled a light linen sheet over Oikawa's frail body, his hands shaking as he tucked the sheet around Oikawa.

Although the infirmary had been cleaned, the stench of iron lingered heavily. Akaashi looked down at Oikawa in pity, his once bright face pale with streaks of blue veins. They had to shave his hair to get to the wound across his head, Oikawa's skull hadn't broken but it was deep. He didn't look like who they all knew and loved; it was sickening.

Sitting in the corner Akaashi leaned his head in his hands heavily, guilt swarmed his head in a thick grey mist. Despite the low ache of his head Akaashi didn't rest – he couldn't, not after what he'd just seen.

Sugawara and Kiyoko had come out strong, able to at least bare some of the weight. Akaashi had just crumbled, becoming useless and unable to help. They said it will be alright. But Akaashi knows what he saw, it wasn't.

It won't be alright, Oikawa almost died. He could've helped. He didn't. Useless! Its his fault he should've accompanied Oikawa like he usually did. He'd be alright! He'd be safe. Akaashi stared blankly at the floor as tears slipped freely from his eyes, it was too much.

The infirmary door creaked open on its hinges. Bokuto stepped through, a gentle yet concerned look across his features. Akaashi's head snapped up, he took a shaky breath as Bokuto came closer. Without a word Bokuto took Akaashi's slim hand in his, wiping the tears tenderly from his cheeks he lead him out. With each step away from the infirmary Akaashi's heart unclenched gradually, as if his guilt was being held solely in that room and nowhere else. His eyes stayed trained on the back of Bokuto's head, his usual spikes now fallen against his head.

A small sob left his mouth as they entered Bokuto's room, he could barely think straight. Without hesitation Bokuto pulled Akaashi into his chest, wrapping his arms tightly around him. Akaashi pressed his head against the crook of Bokuto's neck, letting the tears fall quietly. He breathed in heavily through his nose, Bokuto's lingering scent of pine trees calming him.

"It wasn't your fault Keiji," Bokuto spoke softly, "don't blame yourself."

A new wave of guilt over came Akaashi, Bokuto must've sensed this as his hand trailed up Akaashi's back to cup the back of his neck – drawing him in closer.

"What happened out in the forest, no one could've predicted that. Not even Suga... You don't need to blame yourself for something that has happened when you had nothing to do with it. Horrible things happen all the time, regardless of what you do to stop them." Bokuto kissed the corner of Akaashi's lips and then the other side, "You can't do everything Keiji... you can only do so much and that's not a bad thing."

Akaashi breathed in sharply and looked up, he was met with a soft smile. Bokuto leaned down and placed his forehead against Akaashi's a silent gesture worth so many meaningful words.

They stayed like that until Akaashi's eyes finally started to droop, with a swift motion Bokuto picked Akaashi up and laid him down on the bed. Refusing to leave his side, Bokuto held him close. He watched as his lover slowly drift off, his small and tender hands still clutching his kimono. Bokuto brushed stray strands of raven hair from Akaashi's face, his chest tightening at the sight of the subtle hints of red around his eyes. Shifting to lie down, Akaashi immediately leaned in closer as if he was a magnet.

With a small laugh Bokuto kissed Akaashi's head softly, soon falling asleep himself. Finally, being able to rest.


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