-Peace of Mind-

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Oikawa sighed dramatically as he made his way down the steps that lead into the courtyard. He was already done with the day; it had started terribly. Kiyoko who had been enjoying a book and tea in silence looked over her shoulder at Oikawa, something was up. His hair hadn't been styled.

"I'm done with life." Oikawa threw his hands up and fell onto the cushions Kiyoko had laid out.

"What's wrong?" Kiyoko asked, not looking up from her book. She was very accustomed to Oikawa's frequent 'girl' talks.

"Iwa-chan hasn't said anything to me, not even a single rude word." He huffed. Kiyoko looked over to the sundial that was close by, "Tooru... it's five in the morning."

"Yes but the sun is up." Oikawa sat up, "Which means Iwa-chan is up!" he whined emphasising each word profusely. Kiyoko picked up her book and went back to reading, it wasn't exactly a secret that Oikawa was trying to get Iwazumi's attention. In her opinion it was either that Iwazumi was too thick to notice or has noticed and really doesn't want to acknowledge him.

"This is making me feel ugly." Oikawa turned onto his back and looked up at the sky that was gradually turning from orange to blue, he frowned.

"Well maybe you should just confess to him." Kiyoko suggested for what felt like the millionth time and to her surprise Oikawa responded with, "Ok! I'll do that!"

Kiyoko felt two slender arms wrap around her, "Thank you, Shimizu." Literally the second Oikawa thanked her he skipped off towards the sanctuary. Kiyoko smiled and shook her head; Oikawa was something else.

Screw what he said to Kiyoko, Oikawa had been watching Iwazumi for about an hour. This confession was going nowhere.

"I can feel you burning holes into the back of my head, Shittykawa." Iwazumi shouted whilst shoving the spade he was holding into the ground. Iwazumi had promised Kuroo he'd help with moving the tree saplings to a sunnier spot to help them grow.

The dove a few trees away flinched, then spread its wings and flew to the ground. In a whirl of sliver tendrils Oikawa shifted before his feet hit the floor gracefully. Oikawa pouted and muttered, "I was not staring. It's called observing."

Oikawa played with his white wings, pretending there was dirt in between his feathers. Iwazumi huffed a laugh and continued digging.

"I... I want to talk to you Iwa-chan." Oikawa refused to look in Iwazumi's direction.

"I gathered." Iwazumi replied quickly. Oikawa squared his shoulders and looked Iwazumi in the eye. "I. um, well you know..."

"Know what?"

Oikawa puffed his cheeks out, "You're not making this very easy Iwa-chan!"

Iwazumi rolled his eyes as he lent against the spade. Oikawa's cheeks were slowly turning red, why was this so difficult? He'd been waiting hundreds of years to just say three words.

"I don't want to ruin our friendship. I really don't but I just want you to know that I l-like you, Iwa-chan." Oikawa looked away and covered his mouth with his hand, his cheeks a much darker shade of red. Iwazumi didn't make a sound, it was worrying him, "S-say something..."

"I know you do." Iwazumi said at the same time Oikawa spoke.

"Oh?!" Oikawa replied in joy but then recoiled, "Oh?" disbelief filled his voice. Iwazumi rolled his eyes and put the shovel down, Oikawa watched in confusion. How could Iwazumi possibly have known. Is Iwazumi just as psyche as Sugawara? No. Did Kiyoko snitch him out?

Two strong arms wrapped around Oikawa's waist, snapping him back to reality.

"I-Iwa-chan?" He was not expecting this. Iwazumi huffed and rested his chin on Oikawa's shoulder, "I like you too, Crappykawa."

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