Chapter 8 (Pt 1 of the festival)

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Remember to hydrate while you read as well!

Oh! And also there's a part that's mostly inspired by Caesarsaladsxs aka Sunny in her book called "Hollow (Ghostbur x Reader)" (you should check it out after reading this chapter, it's really poggers)


TW: Lots of cursing.

3rd POV

16th October 2020

Today was finally the day. The day the festival starts, and the day the festival would be full of explosions.

It was 12 in the afternoon. Tommy was suited up. They even had sharpened their swords yesterday in the evening after the child woke up from his nap. Their inventory had some steak, different stacks of blocks to build over to, a bow with several arrows, 2 ender pearls, some potions, and other stuff.

Tommy had his shield on his left hand, already holding a sword in his other hand. Wilbur wasn't holding anything or wearing any armour just yet, since the armour was "very heavy" for him to wear so he'll only wear it when it was time.

Two brothers, walking in the woods, on their way to the nation they were exiled from. What they didn't know was that Dream had been watching them all along. He was just sitting on the big hill, looking down at the two small figures walking. Which was Tommy and Wilbur. Dream had his mask and hood off.

"Tch, pathetic. They won't have the guts to do it anyway." Dream scoffed as the wind went pass him, making his hair slightly moved to the left.

"Yet." A voice added. Dream turned around and looked at the person that was behind him.

"Who are you?!" Dream stood up and hold his sword against the person's neck. The person had a Kitsune mask on, they were wearing a pink hoodie with the hood all the way up so Dream wasn't able to see if it was either a girl or a boy. They were very short, and the person's skin was very pale, too pale and a little translucent to be called a "person". It looked more of like a ghost. Not to mention, they were floating a few inches off the ground.

(A/N: this is where the inspiration comes in Hollow, chapter 32. The part where Sunny appears but it's not Sunny in this story, it's someone else)

"Woah mate, calm down." the ghost said, just looking at Dream without feeling any fear. Their voice sounded feminine.

They must be a female..

"Yes, I'm a female." the girl said, taking her hood and the mask off. Revealing her dark brown eyes and her long black hair. And her face was emotionless.

"How did you read my mind?"

"I won't be answering that question."

"You're so short"

"Of course I am. I'm a ghost, and I'm a child." The girl answered, her expression still emotionless.

"How old even are you?" Dream questioned. Slowly putting his sword away from her neck.

"Wow you have so many questions... I'm a minor."

"No seriously, how old are you?"

"All you have to know is that I'm a minor. That's all you'll be getting." The girl simply responded. Dream was very confused at this point.

"Wait you haven't answered my other question yet, who are you?" Dream asked, squinting his eyes a little.

The ghost kid sighed. "Je suis Gholly et je suis le petit cousin de Ghostbur"

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