Chapter 17 (Pt 1 of November 16)

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Ight here me out. I'm very truly sorry that this chapter took a LONGGG WHILE, I was mostly focusing more on my KnY fanfic, and I almost lost my motivation for writing. (Keyword: almost.) But here we are! Another chapter, yay! This won't be the last chapter but this fanfic will be finish in a few chapters. :) Or just one more chapter ngl-
Ps, since this is just an AU, I've changed a few things in the plot so some scenes you read will be different from the original!

3rd POV

16th November, 2020

It was finally time. Wilbur, Tommy, Techno, Tubbo, Niki, Fundy, Quackity and Eret, were all ready.

How were the other three with them you ask? Simple. Quackity and Schlatt had a huge fight, resulting in Quackity to left Manberg. Fundy thought about it and wanted to be on their side, his father's side. The two of them eventually reunited together as father and son again. Eret was not crowned king anymore, since he chose friendship over loyalty to Dream.

Four days ago, Tubbo and Quackity led Fundy to the hide out for him to meet Wilbur. A week ago, Quackity, Tommy and Tubbo were discussing together if he wants to join Pogtopia's side, which of course, Quackity agreed. Six days ago, Wilbur was talking with Eret. Knowing that now he wasn't crowned king in the Dream SMP anymore, the brunette asked Eret to join him, and Eret joined.

This was Tommy and Wilbur's plan: They get a few more people to join them on their side. They won't tell them about the TNT, as the two of them want the people to think their innocent so they would be on their side. And since the others, by that I mean Dream, Sapnap, Karl, Antfrost, BadBoyHalo, Schlatt and more knows that today would have a war, since Tubbo was told by Wilbur to announce it to them. But, what they didn't tell anyone about one certain plan, was that after they blew it all up, both of them, will kill themselves.

And these past few mornings whenever Tommy and Wilbur would be gone until dinner time, they weren't really at Techno's basement. It was mostly a half lie. They actually went to Skeppy's mansion, having a talk with Skeppy and BadBoyHalo about the war, but nothing about the plan. Both Skep and Bad were on their side too.

All ten people (including Bad and Skep) were now on their way to the tower. They were having a battle with Dream and his team, which would be Sapnap, Karl, Antfrost, Punz, Ponk and Sam.

"Go, go, go!" yelled Tommy as they all went in the tower and up the ladder, going to the balcony and aiming their arrows at Dream and the others as they aimed back at them. A big war was going on and some people were low in health. Meanwhile with George, he was just chilling, building a house during a war. Not knowing a single thing that's happening right now.

(I'll skip the war monologues and dialogues since it's already in the video above)


After Dream teleported away, he called Wilbur on the phone. Saying that Schlatt was an idiot in which Wilbur replied with "How long did that take you to figure out?" with a small laugh. Soon after, Dream went back to everyone. Before they could attack him, he spoke.

"Everyone, be quiet." Dream said, and they all went silent and listened to him. "We would like to surrender. And it's because Schlatt's an idiot. I also have to show you something." The man with the green hoodie continued as he walked to a van, which made everyone confused and followed him.

"Wait what are you showing us?" Karl asked, walking along.

"How do I know this isn't a trap?-" Right as Tommy said that, he and the others saw Schlatt as they entered the abandoned drug van.

"Schlatt?" Niki said his name, a bit confused as to why he was here as well as the others are thinking.

"Schlatt, what are you doing?" Wilbur questioned. Schlatt just took his bottle of beer out and took a few gulps.

"Why are you in my drug van?" The brunet hair asked, still holding onto his bow. Schlatt mumbled something and laughed, inhaling and exhaling afterwards.

"Are you- Are you drinking?!" Tommy said, narrowing his eyes at Schlatt.

"FUNDY WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" Schlatt suddenly shouted when he saw Fundy. "Schlatt are you fucking dumb?" The fox said.

"Fundy are you- Come here you bitch!" said the president of Manberg, starting to punch Fundy as Quackity stood between them for Schlatt to stop hitting him.

"LISTEN, LISTEN SCHLATT, YOU FUCKED UP THE COUNTRY- YOU FUCKED UP EVERYTHING!" Fundy yelled while others just stared at the scene, still holding onto their weapons and shields.

"You had a dream and I followed it, but you brought it downhill! You ruined it! You ruined everything we had!" Fundy continued angrily. "I thought you were something!" He added.

"Yeah, I am something. I am what you're not, Fundy!"

"What am I not?"

"I'm a MAN." Schlatt answered confidentially, not even hesitating a single bit to answer. Everyone's eyes widened at that answer.

"That's it Schlatt, get ready to die" Wilbur said sternly, holding onto his bow and arrow tightly as the others aimed their bows at Schlatt at the same time.

Schlatt however, started to take deep breaths. His face looked like he just saw a ghost that was after his life. He dropped his bottle of beer to the ground as it shattered to pieces. Clutching onto his chest, he kneeled to the ground, trying to breath. But it wasn't for long until Schlatt's whole body collapsed on the floor, dead.

Everyone just stared at the dead body, a little shock. "Did he just die from a heart attack?!" Tubbo gasped.

"He did."

"Guess you could say that"

"There was no traitor, Wilbur. You lied" Dream changed the subject as he shared daggers towards Wilbur.

Wilbur blinked. "Wait but I thought.." He said. Earlier, before the war started, they were talking about who would be the traitor that will backstab everyone. Tommy and Wilbur said they were probably the traitors as the others just took it as a joke.

"I thought me and Tommy were the traitors" He whispered only to himself as he looked at Tommy.

"There's no traitor?"

"So Schlatt was the traitor??"

"That means we won!"

The others were talking at the same time so it was hard to hear the sentences perfectly, but it's still able to understand what they're all saying.

Soon after, they were all sprinting to the stage where the festival was once held on while cheering in happiness. At this point, Tubbo and the others might have forgotten about the bomb. As for now, they were glad that it's over. Or is it really over?
Hah. Cliffhanger. :)
Also starting from the part where Wilbur said "That's it Schlatt, get ready to die" until the end of the script was all written by what I mostly remember. My WiFi sucked and I couldn't watch the video to- you know what I'm tryna say. But yeah. Anyways, see y'all probably soon in this book! Bye bye for now!! ^~^

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