Chapter 11

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Honestly, The Other Side Of Paradise song by Glass Animals fits every vibe I'm feelin rn

Also I hope you guys are doing great this week!

3rd POV

21th October, 2021

Five days had past since the disaster of the festival happened. Tommy and Wilbur were roaming around in the forest for a little walk. Techno was back in Pogtopia, taking care of his potato farm. Niki was also in Pogtopia, she was in a small room where Wilbur had made just for her. She was doing a few sketches of some desserts with different kinds of toppings on each paper. Tubbo was in another room practicing his sword skills. He needed to start defending himself this time, in case he's in a dangerous situation alone.

Everyone woke up later than usual, they were all up until midnight, having fun by telling each other scary stories around the campfire with roasted marshmallows.

"Say, do we actually plan on having withers on November?" asked Tommy, hands on his pocket as he looked at Wilbur.

"Eh not really-"

"But didn't Techno said he had tons of wither heads..?"

"Right.. Guess he's actually gonna summon them I guess" Wilbur sighed and shrugged.

The two of them stopped by the pond. Wilbur picked up a pebble and started stone throwing. Tommy did the same but his pebble just sank down without even hopping on the pond first.

"How do you do that??" Tommy questioned his brother as he tried again, but it just made another splash as it sinks down in the water.

"Just throw it" The brunet simply responded to his question, throwing another pebble across as it bounces on it a few times before jumping into the pond.

"I'm obviously throwing but it's not even-" Tommy looked at the other pebble he threw, hoping that it would bounce across, but it still sank. "Nevermind, I give up" He continued, sitting on the grass as he takes a small stone and purposely threw it into the pond, causing a huge splash that wet his pants a little. Which made him curse under his breath.

Wilbur just chuckled and sat next to him "Hey, it's okay. You weren't able to do stone throwing last time anyway" he teased at the blonde boy, causing him to give Wilbur a glare.

"What the fuck?" Tommy said, squinting his eyes at him in disgust, "I got the hang of it when you taught me last time! It's not my fault that the pebbles won't wanna dance on the water" Wilbur glanced back at him and laughed at that sentence.

"I'm just teasing" Wilbur added, patting Tommy's back. He let out a sigh and looked at the pond. Nothing else could be heard but the gentle breeze and the sound of water moving along with the wind.

"I miss Dadza..." Tommy suddenly said out of the blue.

"Me too Tommy, me too.." Wilbur replied. "We'll see him again soon, don't worry about it okay?" The brunet added, looking at Tommy as he slowly nodded on Wilbur's statement. Wilbur smiled at him and ruffled his hair.

"We should go back to Pogtopia and see how the others are doing" Tommy agreed on Wilbur's words and the both of them got up and left the pond.


"Hey Techno.. can I.. have some potatoes.. please..?" asked a panting Tubbo, wiping his sweat with a small but long length towel.

"It's not harvested yet." Techno replied.

"But.. I can clearly.. see the potatoes.. over there.." Tubbo pointed towards the fresh peeled potatoes that have been harvested not long ago.

Techno sighed, he went over to get a basket and put all the potatoes in before handing them all to Tubbo. "Alright you can have these-"

"Techno do you have any potatoes that have been harvested? I need it for making today's dinner." Niki said as she entered. She looked to the left and noticed Tubbo "Oh my, why are you sweating like crazy?"

Tubbo catched up to his breath and sighed before opening his mouth to speak. "I was testing my sword skills earlier. And here, Techno just peeled these fresh potatoes from his little potato farm." said Tubbo, taking a potato before giving the basket over to Niki.

"Oh, thank you!" She replied as she kindly took the basket from Tubbo's grasp.

"What's for dinner today anyway?" Techno asked Niki as he placed the bucket of water back in the corner before coming back to Tubbo and Niki.

"You'll find out later"

"But we wanna know! Tell us please Niki!" Tubbo pleaded.

Niki slightly sighed, "It's something that all of you love it." she simply answered before heading to the stairs that lead back up to the forest.

After a few good minutes, Niki was done setting up the campfire. She then placed the pot of soup on top of the grill as the fire was getting hotter.

"Heya Niki!" Tommy shouted as he quickly went towards her with Wilbur. "Are you making dinner?" He added.

"Mhm! I just started though so you guys still have to wait a while. Tubbo and Techno are still down there"

"Alright, I'll go talk to Tubbo. See you two back here in a bit!" said Tommy before he went in and went downstairs. It was now Niki and Wilbur.

"So, whatcha making?"

"Potato soup with some vegetables and rice."

"Ooh! Everyone's favourites huh? Here let me help you-"

"Oh, no! It's ok, I can manage-" Niki interrupted herself by her yelp as she got her hand a slight burn from the fire.

"Niki! I told you I should help or this wouldn't happen.." said a concerned Wilbur, rubbing her hand gently with a wet towel.

"It's just a small burn, it's nothing too serious-"

"Go back to Pogtopia, I'll cook now"

"But-" The blonde hair girl got interrupted by Wilbur, who placed his index finger on her lips to shush her.

"Go chat with the others, I know how to cook so don't worry" He reassured her, making her sigh and nod back in response.

"Don't burn the food" Was all she said before heading back to Pogtopia. Wilbur just chuckled at the sentence and focused on cooking dinner.

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