2nd December 2020

672 41 2


It has been almost a week since Ishan and I spoke.

He did give me a heads up about this though.

I have been pretty occupied with work and other stuff. The covid situation has been better in Mumbai, which meant people were getting back to normalcy including my company.

I did miss Ishan's random texts during the day though, asking if I had lunch or tea or sometimes just telling me something that happened with him.

This was weird.

Ishan and I have been talking to each other for two months now and never in my wildest dreams had I thought that we'd come this far. It was supposed to be a stupid drunk text which he was never supposed to read. But he did. I don't know how, I don't know why, but he did and he replied to me as well.

He could've ignored it.

And then we started talking, sharing things with each other that we only share with our close trusted people.

We started telling each other about our day to day lives, we started sharing our most embarrassing secrets and our dreams with each other. We even fought with each other with so much authority and then made equal efforts to mend things between us.

And during this whole thing we never had the chance to stop and think for a moment about how all of this was so bizarre.

We were literal strangers.

How did we come this far? How did we trust each other? How did we even think that the person we were dealing with was a decent individual?

How did we know that this was even right?

I told Ishan not to think of anything stupid and here I was, thinking of all sorts of stupid things that can easily make me question my whole equation with Ishan.

Was it really stupid though?

The beep of my phone brought me out of my thoughts.

Hey, I'll be around Nariman Point in the evening. Do you wanna catch up after work? We can go eat something.

It's been a long time

Kaushik's text was a bit of a surprise as it had been a while we had interacted.

Kaushik and I were dating and we broke up two years ago but as I have always said, he is an excellent guy and we've been really good friends even after the whole break up thing.

Cool. I'll ping you when I get off. Let's go to Ming China I'm craving Chinese!

I replied to him before getting back to finishing my work.

Kaushik was waiting for me on his bike in the parking lot of my office building. I smiled at him before giving him a small hug. We drove to the Chinese restaurant nearby.

I realized I had actually missed Kaushik and the conversations that I had with him. We were meeting after like six months or something.

He told me all about his new job and the job profile and how the people were over there. I gave him a little update about my work and what's happening around.

" So what's up with you not being in touch with anyone these days? I was talking to Nisha the other day, you might want to call her and apologize for not texting her in ages." Kaushik chuckled taking a sip of his red vine.

" I have not been talking to anyone in the group these days to be honestly." I told him.

" What's keeping you busy?"

Should I tell him about Ishan? I fully trust Kaushik and I have known him since like forever. Ishan was my little secret so far, nobody knew about him till now.

" Nothing much. Been reading some books and you know, self development shit."

" Accha.. "

I didn't tell him about Ishan. I don't think I was ready. I mean there was nothing to tell him about, not like Ishan and I had anything to hide but I don't think even Ishan has told anyone about talking to me.

" Well let me know if the book gives you any trouble. I'll be here."

I knew exactly what he meant.

" So Rohit and everyone is planning a small trip near Alibaug next weekend I honestly don't know how it will work out considering all the restrictions that are there-"

Rest of the evening went pretty smooth. We clicked a couple of pictures and then he dropped me home.

I came home and after getting ready for bed, I picked my phone and texted on my friends group.

Meeting with Kaushik today had me realize how detached I had become to the other people in my life. Like my friends, who were going to kill me now since I had barely spoken to them in last two months.

Ishan had become a weird centre piece of my life and I needed this time away from to come back to reality...Maybe ?

I needed this wake up call to make me realize that I had a group of friends, a family, a world apart from Ishan. I needed to treat them better.

I couldn't be in a La la land with Ishan like I've been for the past two months.

I really miss him though. I wonder if he misses me even the half amount.

I was brushing my teeth when I heard my phone beep. After cleaning myself up I returned to the bed and checked my phone.

Ishankishan23 replied to your story

Hope you had a good time and I hope you're back home. It's almost 11. If not, please take a cab and go home. Text me when you reach.

I think my previous question was answered.


Okay the last one for today. Good night bitches! Love you all.


Divyaa :)

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