5th October, 2020

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Ishankishan23 - Sorry, I was too tired yesterday after match.

Ishankishan23 - So where were we?

Ishankishan23 - I didn't ignore you because I'm not really a celebrity. At least yet :p

Aarya_B - You kidding me? You're Ishan Kishan!

Ishankishan23 - Chill. It's not like I'm Virat Kohli or Rohit Sharma.

Ishankishan23 - I bet a lot of people still don't know who I am.



Aarya_B - After that RCB vs MI match, people do know who you are. Trust me.

Ishankishan23 - I'll need ten more matches like that for people to actually know me.

Ishankishan23 - Till then, I'm just Ishan, you know.

Aarya_B - Isn't that enough? :)

Aarya_B - Got to go, work time! Hope you have a good day, Ishan.


You guys are absolutely amazing!! Love and fist bumps to every single one of you. 'cause social distancing! 😂

- Divyaa :)

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