9th October 2020 - Past Midnight ( Technically 10th October)

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Aarya - Hey, I'm so sorry

Aarya - Was a little low yesterday and working the entire time today.


Ishan - You okay now?

Aarya - Yeah yeah, totally

Aarya - What's up?

Ishan - Just came back from the shower.

Ishan - We had a late night football session, they took the video. It'll be up soon I guess.

Aarya - Wow, they really record everything you guys do. Don't they?

Ishan - All the teams do. But MI, yeah a little extra maybe?

Aarya - Hmm hmm. I just hope it's fine with everyone.

Ishan - Mostly it is.

Aarya - Hey Ishan, can I tell you something?

Ishan - Why are you asking lol?

Aarya - Because you might not like what I'm about to say.

Ishan - Shoot

Aarya - You know in the Spicy Pitch interview you said that, People have this perception about you that you don't care about stuff.

Aarya - That's actually true. I mean, whatever videos I've seen of you since the time I started following you.. You do come off as a person who doesn't care much about stuff.

Ishan - I know.

Ishan - Also, I did say that I'm very emotional and that's exactly what people don't know about me.

Aarya - Hmm, sometimes we can see that. Sometimes all your emotions are just right there. On your face.

Ishan - I know

Aarya - You know the RCB game, I genuinely felt sad seeing you get out on 99 and then just sit in the dugout feeling helpless.

Aarya - And even after the match, even on next day I couldn't get that picture out of my head.

Aarya - Lol I was even discussing about that with my work friend.

Ishan - Is that the game from when you started following me?

Aarya - Yes

Ishan - You know, you're probably the person who can relate a lot with me. And I can relate the most with.

Aarya - Okay now, that's an overstatement.

Ishan - It's true.

Aarya - Ishan, to be able to relate with someone, you have to know that person.

Aarya - We've been talking to each other since like a week? So, let's be real. We don't know each other.

Aarya - I'm sorry I don't mean to sound harsh but you know, it is what it is at the end.

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