14th November, 2020

838 44 9


So, I was back home. IPL was over. We won. I personally had a great season, which is why next season was looking good as well from the franchise retaining me perspective. The family was happy to see me back all safe and sound. Diwali was just around the corner, what better time to be with family?

Everything was good. Just perfect.

Yeah, I tried to tell that convincingly to myself so many times. Ever since I sent the last text to her.

Things were good indeed. But the little void inside my head, the void that she left. It just wouldn't stop poking me every now and then.

It was clear, I was missing her.

This girl, this completely unknown girl from Mumbai. Whose voice I've never heard, whom I've never met in person. All I've done is seen a couple of her pictures on Instagram and been chatting with her online for a month.. I was missing her!

Sounds so crazy to me right now. And I don't this. I don't do this crazy stuff. When it comes to people, I'm very careful and rather selective. Only letting the people I know and fully trust in my small circle.

And then there was Aarya.

It's only been three days since the argument and abrupt end to our chat but I've missed her so much! I am missing her so much! It's like, every morning I'd unlock my phone expecting a good morning text from her. And every night my hands would grab the phone, almost texting her to ask about her day. I even scrolled through some of our old chats the other day and smiled like an absolute dumbass. Then got bummed realizing that I won't be getting any new text from her anytime soon. Or probably ever.


THREE FUCKING DAYS that felt like such a long time.

It was Diwali and I had a heavy dinner, making my mom the happiest person on earth. You know how it is right? Moms get happy when kids eat well and a LOT. So anyway I had changed from the traditional clothes to comfortable ones as I prepared to sleep.

I scrolled through some of the texts from my friends asking me to catch up over the weekend. I wasn't sure. I was kinda feeling like laying low for a while. But who knows I might go as well.

You know, all this while I kept wondering what problem was she going through this time. Last time it was related to her family and finances. This time she was gone for longer, would that mean the problem was more serious?

Damn, I should've waited. At least should've let her tell me about the problem. But hell no, my bitchy ass was too impatient! I honestly feel  in that moment, I was selfish. And so self-centred. The moment we ended the conversation I realized that I just made the whole conversation about me and instantly regretted it.

Three days I've been back and forth about texting her. Wondering whether she even was thinking about the argument. About me?

It was eleven-thirty at night when I heard my phone ring next to my pillow. I was sleeping. A little unwillingly, I reached out for my phone and brought it in front of my eyes and the moment I saw the name flashing on my screen, all the sleep was slapped out of my body.

I couldn't believe my eyes, as cheesy as it sounds.

Fuck. I need to answer the call before it gets disconnected.

A little nervous, I swiped the answer button and pressed the phone against my ear.

There was utter silence for a couple of seconds before I heard her from the other side.

" Hi.. Ishan?"

My name rolled down her tongue ever so smoothly making me feel weirdly sweaty! Yeah, that's the best explanation I can give.

" Hello?" She spoke again, a little uncertain this time.

" H-hi.. " I managed to find my voice.

" Aarya?"


Hehe. Yeah I did that :) but Happy Diwali you guys! I hope you'll had a great one with your loved ones! I'll update soon.

- Divyaa :)

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