6th October 2020 - Midnight

997 43 1

Ishankishan23 requested to follow you


Ishankishan23 started following you

Ishankishan23 - So you're awake huh? (~_^)

Aarya_B - It's 2 o'clock in the midnight, Ishan.

Ishankishan23 - Yeah I know that.

Aarya_B - Aren't you supposed to be sleeping right now? You have a game tomorrow. ~_~

Ishankishan23 - I did go to sleep and woke up just ten minutes ago.

Aarya_B - Try counting from 1 to 100.

Ishankishan23 - I didn't ask for sleep remedies but thanks. ~_~

Ishankishan23 - What you doing btw?

Aarya_B - I was finishing some work.

Ishankishan23 - It's 2..

Aarya_B - Sad corporate life  :)

Aarya_B - By the way, I forgot to tell you. You were INSANE in the match yesterday! The Warner catch was crazyyyy.

Ishankishan23 - You watch all the games?

Aarya_B - All MI matches. I've been watching cricket since I was a kid.

Ishankishan23 - Cool. Do I dare ask..

Ishankishan23 - Your favourite cricketer?

Aarya_B - There are so many! Can't name one.

Ishankishan23 - Hmm. Will you be watching tomorrow's match?

Aarya_B - Yup. I've been trying to wrap up my work early whenever there's a match.

Aarya_B - Also it's been twenty minutes since you're awake. You should really go back to sleep.

Ishankishan23 - Was about to.

Ishankishan23 - Before going, just wanted to tell you that the argument we had earlier today..

Aarya_B - Very stupid.

Ishankishan23 - Exactly.

Aarya_B - :)

Ishankishan23 - Good night then

Aarya_B - Night, Ishan


I fucked up the dates so this is just me fixing it somehow. Also, I can't help but update this frequently.

Did you'll watch today's MI vs SRH game? Ishan was so good!

- Divyaa :)

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