19th October 2020 - Post Match

689 37 0

~ 2:05 AM ~

Ishan - You there?

Ishan - I need to talk.

Aarya - Pehle batao

Aarya - How is your leg? Is it still hurting?

Aarya - I've been worried since the time I saw you on tv.

Ishan - It's better, don't worry

Ishan - It's been a crazy game

Aarya - Cannot agree more.

Aarya - It was an overwhelming game

Ishan - You know Aarya

Ishan - I don't feel good.

Ishan - I've not been able to perform after that one good knock against RCB

Ishan - I don't know what's happening but I can't continue like this.

Aarya - Hmm hmm

Ishan - I'm just not able to stay! Like, just stay and play for a longer time.

Ishan - I feel I might not be playing the next few games

Aarya - Okay now you're thinking negative

Aarya - They won't drop you, trust me.

Ishan - And what makes you say that?

Aarya - Because you're a good player

Aarya - You might be going through a rough time right now but you're going to overcome this

Ishan - Yeah, I will

Ishan - I just need to stop playing stupid shots

Aarya - We all do stupid things :p

Aarya - I once texted a cricketer when I was drunk, probably the most stupid thing I've done in my life ¯\(°_o)/¯

Ishan - And I once replied to a drunk text, probably one the stupid things I've done so far ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Aarya - I bet you don't regret it!

Ishan - Not even a percent.

Ishan - By the way, it's Monday tomorrow. I'm sorry to keep you awake when you badly need all this sleep to deal with your favourite day of the week.

Aarya - Nah it's okay

Aarya - I'll be fine

Aarya - I just need to make sure you're okay

Ishan - I feel better now :)

Ishan - Thanks

Aarya - Bas kya yaar

Aarya - Fittus!

Ishan - Kya?

Aarya - Fittus.

Ishan - Woh kya hota hai?

Aarya - It means that we're even. Like you were there for me that night and today I am for you. Toh hisaab barabar.

Aarya - Fittus ^.^

Ishan - Ohhh

Ishan - Okay.

Aarya - You should really get used to Mumbai's lingo. Now that you've been playing for MI :p

Ishan - Hai na? Chal throw some words at me

Aarya - Now?

Ishan - Yes. Now!

Aarya - Okay, so there's fittus.

Aarya - Then there's Lafda.

Aarya - It means when there's a fuckup. It's a lafda.

Ishan - I like it!

Ishan - Give me another word!

Aarya -  Gardi. It means crowd.

Aarya - Then Chamat. That means a slap.

Aarya - Shaana?

Ishan - Dude I know this one

Ishan - It means smart, right?

Aarya - Right. And that's how you get Shaanpatti too.

Aarya - Means smartness.

Ishan - Nice!

Aarya - Yeah, I think that's enough for today.

Ishan - Arey nahi, ek aur ek aur

Aarya - No Ishan, you need to sleep

Ishan - Bas ek?

Aarya - Okay, last one.

Ishan - Done

Aarya - Chikna

Ishan - Matlab?

Aarya - What I think you are ;)

Aarya - Ekdam chikna!

Ishan - What does that mean?

Aarya - Find that out yourself :p

Aarya - and now time to go, you had a long day FFS! Give yourself some rest

Ishan - Haan

Ishan - Thanks again :)

Aarya -  Anytime Ishan :)

Aarya - Good night

Ishan - Night Aarya :)



- Divyaa :)

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