11th October 2020 - Post Match

794 42 0

During the MI vs DC game - MI Batting

Ishan comes to bat.
Aarya - Finally! I was waiting for you to come to bat! Kill it! ↖(^ω^)↗

Ishan takes a risky run and almost gets out, but god saves his ass

Aarya - Omg thank god, I thought you were gone now.

Aarya - You had legit reached the other end, thank god for DC's poor fielding.

Aarya - Ishan I hope you're okay. You look a little nervous

Hits a six and a four

Aarya - Smooth four. Just hit couple more of those and finish the game already

Hits a risky shot, fielder doesn't catch the ball, goes for six instead.
Aarya - Thank god he didn't catch that

Hits another, this time gets caught and out.
Aarya - oh no :/

Aarya - It's okay, the match is in our pocket anyway. You played well ↖(^ω^)↗

Aarya - And we won :) Congratulations!

Around 12 pm..

Ishan - Wow, someone was really watching the game!

Ishan - So you were like just talking alone?

Aarya - Whatever. You were great today!

Ishan - I can tell that from your texts. ;)

Aarya - You know I was having that excitement of watching someone I know on TV.

Aarya - I was so close to telling my dad about you

Ishan - Lol, only if there was anything to tell

Ishan - What's up?

Aarya - About to go to bed. It's Monday tomorrow and I'm so not ready for it ~_~

Aarya - What about you? You must be exhausted.

Ishan - Reached hotel a while ago, took a shower. Yeah I'm exhausted, even I'll sleep early today.

Aarya - Yeah

Ishan - Before you sleep, quickly brush me up about the bizarre weekend? :)

Aarya - Ah it was nothing , just me being me

Ishan - Chal haan! I've waited for your text when you were probably out there doing something bizarre. I at least deserve to know a little.

Aarya - Okay okay

Aarya - Just to give you a gist, on Saturday I went out with my best friend. We spent a lot of time together. I came home late, watched a cartoon show, then cried at midnight, again watched the cartoon, again cried, caught cold, drank some warm water, slept late around 4am. Woke up late today with a heavy head and the whole day was just.. Meh.

Aarya - Only to realize later that I was PMSing  the whole time ~_~

Ishan - Wait what?

Ishan - You cried?

Ishan - You caught cold? How are you now?

Ishan - Were you drunk?

Ishan - And WHAT THE HELL IS PMSing?

Aarya - Okay, EASY.

Aarya - Pre Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) - the answer to all of the things above.

Ishan - Oh, okay. I just googled it.

Ishan - Dude it says

Ishan - Depression! DEPRESSION!?

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Ishan - Depression! DEPRESSION!?

Aarya - Lol calm down >_<

Aarya - It's highly subjective. Even the duration of PMS is different for every woman, just like the symptoms.

Aarya - For me it's mood swings mostly and emotional imbalance. I just feel too low and might as well cry over something very small.

Ishan - Oh

Ishan - Okay?

Aarya - The worst is about to come though. The actual periods :)

Aarya - That is when shit gets real.

Aarya - So I'll suggest you to stay away from me for the next couple of days.

Ishan - Okay got it. I won't trouble

Ishan - Anything I can do to make it better though?

Aarya - Can you make me a guy?

Ishan - .... (~_^)

Aarya - Exactly. :)

Aarya - I'll go to bed now. Good night, Ishan

Ishan - Night Aarya

Ishan - and take care. Don't cry

Ishan - Text me if you feel like crying

Ishan - or just talking

Ishan - Okay bye.


Good night and thanks a lot! You'll are legends!

- Divyaa :)

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