4th October, 2020

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You have 2 new messages

Ishankishan23 - Hey Aarya.

Ishankishan23 - Thank you for your kind words :) I hope you meant them since you mentioned you were drunk.

Aarya_B - TOTALLY! I was drunk, not emotionless.

Aarya_B - Also, HOW on earth did you even read these texts? Aren't you a celebrity?

Ishankishan23 - What does that have to do with me reading your texts?

Aarya_B - Well, I don't know? Celebrities never read their DMs.

Aarya_B -  They kinda just ignore them.

Five hours later..

Aarya_B - See? Like that.


Thank you!

- Divyaa :)

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