22nd October 2020

642 37 0

~ 1:04 PM ~

Aarya - I'm bored

Aarya - Don't feel like working at all today

Aarya - I feel like taking a holiday

Ishan - Take it then.

Aarya - Next week maybe

Aarya - I watched your ad yesterday!

Ishan - Ad?

Aarya - Yeah the RBI one! Honestly, I had seen that ad before but didn't know you were in it. Like maybe I just never watched it properly.

Ishan - Wow that makes me feel good

Aarya - Sorry \( ̄▽ ̄;)/

Aarya - Yesterday, however, the moment I heard your voice my eyes just straight up went to the tv!

Aarya - I just knew it was you

Aarya - You've got this nice, sort of deep voice you know

Ishan - Sharma jaunga >_<

Aarya - You just have to kill it every single time, don't you ~_~

Ishan - Jokes apart

Ishan - I wonder what's your voice like?

Aarya - Oh don't get all curious or start imagining because I sound like an angry dude

Ishan - Come on now.

Aarya - no. It's a fact

Aarya - all my colleagues, well female colleagues.. They all sound so sweet and feminine. And one day I just realize that I don't sound like that

Aarya - ever.

Ishan - You don't need to sound like that you know

Aarya - I know

Aarya - My laugh is great though, like not even bragging. It's the best thing about me

Aarya - Okay not the BEST best, maybe the second best thing. But it's good. It can crack anyone up

Ishan - That's great

Ishan - I would want to hear that laugh soon

Aarya -  :D

Aarya - What's up? What you doing?

Ishan - Nothing, just watching something

Aarya - Is it porn? ≧∇≦

Ishan - I can't imagine what goes on in your mind

Ishan - It's 1 at noon. Why would I watch porn unless it's night?

Aarya - There's no rule as such

Aarya - You watch it when you want to

Aarya - Btw, why are you NEVER in those pool game videos?

Aarya - Are you afraid of water?

Ishan - Yeah, I might just drown ~_~

Aarya - Batao na

Ishan - I just happen to not be there

Ishan - Not a pool fan

Aarya - That's actually a good chance to flaunt your tattoos you know

Aarya - You can be shirtless

Ishan - Wow aren't you horny today?

Aarya - Meh

Aarya - I'm bored

Ishan - And you get horny when you're bored?

Aarya - ~_~

Aarya - I'm gonna have lunch now

Ishan - And I'm gonna take off my shirt and send you a picture :D



Aarya - Cool

Aarya - I don't mind honestly

Ishan - Shut up! I'm not doing that

Aarya - ≧∇≦


1k! Keep loving Ishan. Keep reading this and please stay safe!

Love you!

- Divyaa :)

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