Chapter 3: Introductions

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Y/n pov:

After that night I saw the owner, I have seen him in the bar more often. It's only been about a week since that night and he would always sit in the same spot every day. Today was different I was sitting at the bar like usual, when a man came and sat down next to me. I glance at the man, but I quickly look away because the man that sat next to me was the owner Daichi.

"One whiskey please" A man said.

"Coming right up sir" the bartender says.

"Hey Y/n want a refill?" Jake asks coming over.

"Yes please Jake but make it a strong one" I say in a sweet tone.

"You got it" he said grabbing the glass.

"Thanks" I say.

"I see your very close to the bartender here" a deep voice says.

"Indeed I am" I said turning to look at the man.

He turns to look at me as he held out his hand.

"I'm Daichi the owner of this bar" he said.

"I'm Y/n" I said shaking his hand.

"Nice to meet you Y/n" Daichi said.

"Yeah" I say feeling awkward.

"I see you come here often" Daichi said.

"Yeah I come here to drink everyday" I say crossing my legs.

"Why?" He asks.

"Because I like drinking here the booze here is better" I laughed.

"Is that so?" He says laughing.

"Yup" I simply say.

He looks at me and then looks away, I turn to see Jake serving a customer.

"Hey Jake can I have a refill?" I shouted at him.

"Yeah coming" Jake says leaving the customer.

"Thanks Jake" I said.

"No prob" he says filling my glass up.

"Are you two a thing?" Daichi asked.

"What no" I said shocked.

"No I'm gay" Jake answered plainly.

"Oh I didnt know sorry" Daichi says.

"Its fine" I said standing up.

"Where are you going?" Jake asks.

"I'm going home" I answer.

"Okay see ya Y/n" Jake said.

"See ya" I say.

"Do you want me to walk you home?" Daichi asked standing up.

"No it's okay I had fun tho thanks cya" I answered.

"Bye Y/n" he says.

I walked all the way home in a good mood and not the usual gloomy mood. I hang my coat up and head into the bedroom, I fall face first into my bed feeling happy for once.

I think I like him...?

Falling for a Gangsta (Mafia Daichi x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now