Chapter 15: Love makes us Stronger

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Y/n pov:


I pushed Daichi out the way just in time, but alittle to late for me. I sat up and held my side as the blood gushed out, I look over at Daichi who sat up looking confused.

"You okay?" I asked.

"Yeah" He says looking over at me.

"Good I'm glad" I said sighing.

"Wait! why are you here?" Daichi asks looking shocked.

"I heard about what you were doing so I decide to follow you" I explained.

"You shouldn't have" Daichi said.

"But I did and if I wasnt here you'd be dying right now" I say looking down at my side.

"You took the bullet for me... why?" Daichi asks looking down at my side.

"Because you have your whole life ahead of you and I have nothing to live for anyways" I explained.

"But I need you and I cant do this without you" Daichi says sounding sad.

"Daichi" I softly says.

He hugs me back tightly with both arms while I wrapped my arms around his neck, I started crying because I heard Daichi crying too.

"Please dont leave me Y/n" Daichi says.

"I'll always be with you" I said.

"Please don't leave me" Daichi says.

"I won't" I whispered before closing my eyes.

Daichi pov:

"Y/n" I said while shaking her gently.

When she didn't move, I couldn't help but cry even harder.

"Why did you leave me?" I asked knowing I won't get a response.

I can't believe she's gone, I need her, I love her so much and I was so close to her being mine until Oikawa killed her. I stood up and gently laid her down while grabbing my gun, I turned around and aimed my gun at Oikawa. He looked at me with fear in his eyes, I smirked at him and shot him in the chest right in his heart. I lowered my gun as everyone stopped their fighting to look over at me, I raised my head up high as the enemy fell to their knees.

"We did it!" Tanaka yelled.

"Yeah" they all shouted.

"Let's go" I said turning around.

"Yes Sir" they said.

"We're done for today" I said looking at Y/n's dead body.

I'll always love you...

As you can clearly see I cant write death so it might of been cringy... so sorry I'll try to make it better

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