- 6 - N o r a - A Fight and Some Alone Time

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- 6 - N o r a -

“Ashton? Can we talk? Please?” He ignored me. The school day was over, and we were waiting for the other three boys now. “Please Ashton? At least give me a chance to explain? Can we just talk?”

“No we cannot ‘just talk’ like you’ve been gone for a week. It’s been ten years Nora! Ten freaking years and no communication! Not a phone call, not a letter, nothing! How do you think I feel?”

“I know it’s been ten years! But do you think I forgot about you? You’re the reason I almost failed half my classes! I wanted to talk, but I didn’t know what to say! Plus- you’re not listening. I’m not going to tell you anything if you can’t even look at me. Forget it. But it was ten years for me too.” 

I couldn’t help myself. I should have waited until we were somewhere more private. We’re still at school! I can’t go on. Plus, if I say this the wrong way, I could lose him forever. And that’s the last thing I want. It’s a good thing I stopped then because not even ten seconds later, Michael showed up, soon followed by Calum and Luke.

But I was still fuming. I wanted nothing to do with Ashton at the moment, and I didn’t want to give a mean opinion to them just to hurt Ashton. I know it’s mean, but it’s something I would do. I’ve been working on it. So I decided not to go to their band practice. 

“Hey! Who’s ready to hear some good music!” Calum cheered. I sighed.

“I changed my mind guys. I don’t want to go to your band practice today. Maybe another time. I’ll just get some ice cream or something. Sorry. But it for the best right now.” I glared at Ashton, who was staring at me with wide eyes, before turning on my heel and walking away. 

“Ashton! What did you do?”

“What’s wrong with you man? What’s your problem today?”

 I heard Michael, Calum and Luke questioning Ashton angrily, but pushed the quartet to the back of my mind and focused on calming down. Distract myself until I’m isolated, them think about it. I can throw stones into the ocean when I finish my ice cream. What can I distract myself with until then though? Oh! What ice cream do I want? What will they even have? I hope they have cookie dough. . .











I ran out of rocks after that.

And insults for Ashton.

So I suppose it’s a good thing I ran out of rocks, otherwise I probably would have started giving him compliments.

 Compliments he doesn’t deserve.

I was mad though, and that kinda makes me unpredictable.

I started searching for more rocks anyway. Thank God I’m the only one here. It would be pretty hard to explain what my words mean to others. I started throwing rocks again, this time without words.

I had been here for almost an hour. I had finished my ice cream just as I got here, and that was half an hour after school had ended. So I still have twenty minutes, because school ended at 3:10. 

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