- 19 - A s h t o n - The Tweet

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This may be hard for the people who may be in the 1D fandom as well as 5SOS to read, as it involves One Direction, at a time when Zayn was still in the band. So does the epilogue, more so than this Chapter. My only words: Sorry, not sorry. I've been planning this since, like Chapter Six, and have no mercy. I suppose this is why two of the girls I hang out with joke that I'm sociopathic. . .

- A s h t o n -

Since the last day of school, the boys and I had started working on writing our own songs. We had already put a few online, and they were popular with our fans. We had taken to being in the same room when we were songwriting,but not working in songs together. We were just in the same out of habit.

I looked up from the song I was working on.

"Guys. I think I'm gonna ask Nora out."

Luke looked up excitedly. "Really? That would be awesome! You two would be amazing together!"

"I've been thinking that for so long, you have no clue! I've been wanting you two to go out since, like I first met Nora."

"Really? Since you first met her?" I raised my eyebrows at Michael.

"Okay, not since I first met her, but for a really, really long time!"

"Whatever. Do you think Calum would be okay with it? He wouldn't turn into a jealous bastard or anything?"

"Nah." Luke said immediately. "Remember when Nora told him she didn't like him like that?" Michael and I nodded. "Well, he was really sad for a few days, but then he started thinking about it, and said he was just infatuated with her. They would probably never work anyway. I don't know what makes him think that, but I went with it. He's over it. Actually, he said himself a week or so ago, that you and Nora would be good together and joined Michael and I in hoping the two of you do get together. So get together already!"

I was blushing by the end of Luke speech. "Huh. Were we that obvious?"

"Not until recently. But it became pretty obvious when you guys became just friends again." Michael laughed.

"Weird. Will you guys help me?"

"Just ask her out man. It's not that hard."

"Yeah it is Luke! You've never liked anyone before!"

"I have!"

"Okay, you have, but you were never serious about it!"

"I'll give you that."

"Please, please help me?"

"Alright, alright. Well help. Let's get Calum over here." Michael picked up his phone but Luke stopped him.

"He's at futbol practice, he'll be coming afterwards anyway. Don't worry about it, he'll be here in like half an hour anyway.

"Oh yeah. I forgot."

"Let's start writing down ideas. There's the movies, the beach, ice cream, a fancy restaurant."

"Those are all so cliche." I cut Luke off. "I want this to be original, special."

"There's the arcade. And that Laser Tag place." Michael said. "Or rollerskating. That's probably be fun."

"Hmm. . . maybe. But how am I gonna ask her? That's the part I need help with right now."

"Okay. . . just ask her."

"Seriously? That's what you're gonna say to me?"

"I'm sorry it was too tempting!" Michael laughed.

"Whatever. I'll just ask my mum or something, since I obviously can't count on you people."

About fifteen minutes later, long enough for Calum's futbol practice end, but too soon for him to be arriving since he'd be walking from the park near Nora and my house, Michael's front door burst open, and a few seconds later, Calum came into view, followed by Nora, whose wrist was clutched in Calum's hand.

"Whoa, dude! Whatever happened to knocking?" Michael said with raised eyebrows.

"Calum." Calum turned around. "Let go of my wrist. Now."

"Sorry." Calum was breathless.

"Dude, did you run all the way here from the park?"

"And why'd you bring Nora? No offense, Nora." Luke asked after me

"None taken. I was enjoying the swings at the park, then Calum showed up after his practice was over and said something about a tweet, grabbed me and pulled me along with him here."

"Did you even grab your bag?" Calum nodded.

"I'll get you some water."

"Me too please." Nora asked.

I stood up. "Anyone else?" Luke and Michael nodded.

"Five waters, coming right up."

I walked to the kitchen, filled five glasses with ice cold water, added ice to three of them, for Luke, Michael, and myself and picked up three of them. I gave them to Calum, Nora, and Michael, then got mine and Luke's gave him his, then sat down again.

After we had all finished drinking our water, Nora broke the silence.

"Okay Calum. What was SO important that you had to interrupt my swinging time? Because I really don't appreciate it."

"You guys aren't going to believe this, but Louis Tomlinson tweeted about us."

For a minute, no one spoke. Then Michael said, "What what?"

"Louis Tomlinson, from One Direction, tweeted about us." Calum repeated.

"Well what'd he say? Is it good, or bad?" I said, wide eyed.

"He said, and I quote, 'Been a fan of this band for a while now, everyone get behind them.' and a link to Gotta Get Out."

"Oh my God. No way." Luke mumbled.

"GET OUT! Really?" Nora smiled.

"I won't believe it until I see it." Michael said. "I'm getting my computer computer."

When he came back, he was wide eyed. He sat down and turned the laptop outward and we all crowded around. There it was, plain as day. Just like Calum said.

Been a fan of this band for a while now, everyone get behind them.

"Holy shit." I mumbled.

"You guys. Do you know what this means?" Nora whispered. "It means your fanbase is going to grow. It's going to be huge. YOU'RE GOING TO BE FAMOUS!"

Michael, Calum, Luke and I all looked at each other. Michael put his laptop on the couch next to him, and then, simultaneously, we all jumped up and started partying.

"Holy Macorole! What is so exciting?" Michael's mum said when she came into the room holding pizza.

"Louis Tomlinson tweeted about us mum!" Michael shouted. "He told his fans to support us!"

"AHhh! That's amazing!" His mum joined us in our celebrations and I heard Nora agree.

"They're going to go places! They're going to go to BIG places."

A/N: That's Chapter 19! Only Chapter 20 and the epilogue left! I'm so excited!

Song of the Chapter: Disconnected by 5 Seconds of Summer

- Kat -

Words: 1000/1111


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