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Ashton was on his way to Nora's house. He had important and exciting news, but he was terrified about what would happen to their relationship.

They'd been going out for two or three months, but everything still felt delicate to Ashton. If they had a small disagreement, he let her win. If she asked to spend time together, he said yes immediately. The other boys said he was whipped, but Ashton wanted to do this right and if that meant giving into Nora's every whim for a little while, he was willing to do that. She didn't ask for much anyways though. Nora understood that his band meant as much to him as she did, and she was fine leaving him be to write songs or record music, but that didn't mean Ashton was okay with it.

It was easier for the two of them, since they were out of school, while the other boys weren't. Ashton knew he'd have to stop giving into her every whim soon, but he wasn't aware that this  news was going to do that for him until he looked back in the future.

He was aware, however, that this news was going to test their relationship. It was either going to bring them much closer together, or tear their relationship apart.

He desperately hoped that this would bring them closer together.

He arrived and knocked on the door, relieved that Nora herself had answered.

"Hey. Can we talk?"

"Of course. You aren't breaking up with me are you?"

"No! No, nothing like that!"

"Okay. Come on in. Want something to drink?"

"Nah, I'm good."


Ashton led Nora to the couch and sat down. When she was comfortable next to him, he started talking.

"Okay ,so there's good news, and there's bad news."

"Bad news first."

"I wish. Unfortunately, the bad news won't make any sense without the good news."

"Oh. Well damn."

"Yeah. Damn. The good news, is that One Direction just asked us to tour with them here in Australia, and maybe on the American part of their tour, as well as the European part of their tour as well."

"Really? That's fantastic! Oh my God, have you guys responded yet?"

"No, we-"

"Why the hell not?"

"Well, we'll have to talk to our mums first, you know, since Calum, Michael and Luke haven't finished school yet, and Luke is still 15, but hopefully, we'll be able to say yes. The bad news is that we won't be seeing each other. For months."

"So, you came to me to make sure I was okay with it?"


"Ashton. We've been separated for years before. Ten of them. During those ten years, neither of us knew if we would see each other again. Nothing will be more emotionally painful as that. A few months will be nothing, especially since we'll be able to keep in touch, what with Skype and phones and emails, and there are always postcards and letters too. Plus, the best part will be knowing, for sure and absolute certain, that I'll be able to see you again afterwards. Don't let me hold you back Ashton. This is your dream. I've seen you guys on stage, it's where you belong, no doubt about it. Go chase your dreams Ashton. I can wait."

"Really. Now let's go convince your mum to say yes!"

As Ashton followed his girlfriend to his own house, he couldn't help thinking that this is what a real girlfriend should be like: Understanding, caring, trusting. He just hoped that he could be the perfect boyfriend in return.

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