-10 - N o r a - The Futbol Game

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- 10 - N o r a -


“Alright! That’s everything. You two are all moved back in and I’m on my way back to Norway!” My mum said.

It’s saturday now, and I can’t wait for her to be gone. She was supposed to leave this morning, but there was a screw up at the airport and her flight changed to this afternoon. She was super worried about it. She’s a naturally nervous person.

But it’s finally one, and she has to go now, or she’ll miss her flight.

“Oh, I’m going to miss you so much! I love you!” I was pulled into a hug out of the blue, and just about suffocated in my mum’s chest. I hear a car pull into the Irwin’s.

“Oh look, it’s Ashton!” I looked over and saw Ashton, Luke and Michael getting out of Ashton’s car.

“Okay! Time for you to go! Bye!” I glanced over again and saw the trio watching me. I knew they were listening too.

“But I want to say goodbye to Ashton before I go! Can’t I do that?”

“Nope, he has company, you don’t want to bother them do you?”

“Oh, don’t be silly. I can say goodbye to him! I’m never going to see him again! Unless the two of you get married!”

“Yeah, okay, first of all, eww, hell no. Second, have you seen the time? If you don’t leave soon you’ll miss your flight. It’s already 1:15.”

“What? Oh dear! I am going to be late! BYE ASHTON, BE GOOD!” She got in her car and drove away.

I forced a smile and a small wave until her car disappeared. As soon as she turned the corner, I dropped my hand and breathed a loud sigh of relief. “Freedom!” I exclaimed. I heard the boys laughing, as well as my dad.

I glared at them, well, more at Ashton, then turned to dad, who was looking at me strangely. “I’ll explain later. I think something’s burning inside.”

“Shoot!” His eyes widened and he ran inside.

“I’m going for a walk!” I called after him.

“Be back in time for dinner!”

“Got it!”

I turned and walked up the street, not once glancing back at the boys. I headed toward the park, and ignored the boys when they called after me. I really don’t want to talk to Ashton right now.

I quickened my pace and soon I was sprinting towards the park. I may be small, but boy can I run. I was on the track team in Norway, and I was one of the best on the team.

I arrived at the park a minute or so later. This is a really nice park. It has a playground for little kids, and some swings a little way away. The park also has a blacktop with some basketball hoops that are rarely used, and then the rest was a huge field. It was the size of several futbol fields and people played futbol on it, as well as little kids playing tag, some frisbee players, and a couple throwing a ball back and forth.

I headed straight for the swings: The best part of any playground. I sat down and listened for a while. I listened to the excited screams of the party playing tag, and the yells from the futbol players. I watched the frisbee players run and I was kind of amazed. They were all girls or young women, and they were amazing. No way would I be able to do that.

I kept swinging and watching, and soon I was deep into the futbol game. I could hear them screaming, as they were right in front of me, and both teams were really good. Then I noticed that one of them was Calum.

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