- 9 - A s h t o n - Too Many Thoughts

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- 9 - Ash -


“And that is our next video!” I said as I turned off the camera.

“Yaaay! Now tell us how the dinner went last night.” Michael said

I cleared my throat. “Okay. Ummm. . “ I paused. I can’t let them know that I know Nora so. . . It shouldn’t be too hard I guess. “Well, they arrived at exactly six-”

“Exactly at six? Wow, no ever does that. No one with a real life anyway.” Calum said. I rolled my eyes.

“It’s how her mum is. Anyway, Nora met Lauren and Harry, then we watched TV while we waited for dinner.“

“What, you didn’t talk or anything?” Michael asked.

“Not really. We were still kinda mad at each other from Drama. And we still are, I might add. When dinner was ready we all went in and I sat across from her and Harry and Lauren sat on either side of her. They talked and I talked to Nora’s dad and-”

“Talked to her dad about what?” Luke asked.

“My interests and disinterests, how I like my siblings, that kind of thing. Then her mum asked me about school and I told her I wasn’t failing any classes.”

“For once.” Michael laughed.

“Yeah, for once!” Calum and Luke laughed and I joined in for a few seconds.

“Nora’s mum said I was doing better than Nora and she didn’t know how Nora would get into a good college, Nora told her she didn’t want to go to college, her mum said she was going to college whether she wanted to or not, and Nora went back to talking with my siblings. I think she just didn’t want to embarrass herself further.”

“Wait. Nora has to go to college, but doesn’t want to?” Calum asked.

“Apparently. Her mum seemed set on her going to college. I think the only reason Nora doesn’t want to go to college is to rebel against her mum.”

“I guess it’s a possibility. We should ask her about it.”  Calum said thoughtfully.

“I don’t know. It may be personal. If we get the chance, take it, but don’t be rude about it okay?” Luke frowned.

“Yeah, okay.”

“Anyway, after that, Nora went back to talking with my siblings. When dinner was over, we ate dessert and I just listened to everyone talk, then we watched some more TV while the adults kept talking, and they left around nine or ten.” I finished.

“Huh. Her mum is weird.” Michael mumbled.

“I wonder where they lived before they moved to Norway?” Calum asked. “And what school she went to. MAybe they remember her?”

“That’s private information too, Calum. Don’t question her about it unless she offers information first.” Luke said. “But it is interesting. . .”

“Well, as you said, it’s none of our business. Maybe she got bullied or something. If she doesn’t offer up information soon, then there’s a reason she doesn’t talk about it.” Michael said.

Ha. Bullied. Yeah right. Far from it. She stood up to the bullies. No way in hell they’d forget about her.  But
I wasn’t about to say anything. I don’t mind the boys finding out, and I guess the sooner the better, but I want to talk to her before I tell them.

Band practice ended a few minutes later and I went home instead of out to get ice cream with the others. My head was spinning and, my mind was whirling, and I couldn’t think straight. When I got home, I hugged LAuren and Harry hello, staggered up to my room and fell on my bed.

Then I let the thoughts and worries and stress take over. I just thought, and thought, and thought.


There was a reason the boys didn’t know about Nora before. And that reason is that I didn’t think I’d ever see her again.

But every time I look at her, I get angry. I see red. I can’t help it.

When I look at her, I can’t help but feel betrayed.

But then there’s the fact that we might never be friends again. I missed her, but now that she’s back, she feels even further away than before. It hurts, seeing her everyday, but not being able to say what I want to say. Whenever we talk my mind goes blank, and then I say something I don’t mean to say and then she retaliates, and I don’t know what to do, so I retaliate back, and it goes on and on in an endless circle until we have to go to another class or someone interupts us or we have to be quiet for class.

It’s horrible, and hurtful, and everyone looks at me like I’ve gone insane, because they never knew it was possible for me to go a day without smiling, and the adults get worried and all the stress just piles on.

But worst of all,  I’m afraid that I’ve lost Nora.

I’m afraid that I’ve lost her, and I’ll never get her back.

A/N: So, it’s not 1000 words like the chapters usually are, but I can’t add anything else. Not with out giving things away anyway. I hope you liked it!

Song of the Chapter: Missing by Evanscene

- Kat -


Words: 842/884


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