- 11 - A s h t o n - Michael

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- 11 - A s h t o n -


“Come on Ashton, we’ve been fighting since I got here a month and a half ago! Can we Please just talk about it instead of assuming things?”

I stared at my phone. I have no clue how Nora got my number, but I suspect that one of the boys gave it to her.

“What, exactly, is there to explain?” I asked testily. She answered immediately.

“A lot.”


“Yes! And I prefer to do it in person, not over the fucking phone! So are you going to meet me and listen or not!”

My door opened as she was talking, and Michael walked in. I had an excuse to get off the phone.

“No, I will not meet you and listen to your story today, I have company.” I said and hung up.

“Was that important? Cause we can meet up later.” Michael eyed me worriedly.

“Nope. Just Nora.”

“What’d she want to explain?”

“Nothing of importance.” I said too quickly.

Michael raised an eyebrow at me. “Uh huh. You don’t really think I’m going to believe that do you?”

“I was hoping.” I sighed.

“Dude, we’ve known Nora for a month and a half. It’s Valentine’s Day. Why can’t you become friends already?”

“It’s. . .complicated.” I said slowly.

“Okay. . . then . . . uncomplicate it.” He smiled at me.

I looked at him, and we both started laughing.

After a while, my mum came in and asked what was so funny.

“Nothing.” I wheezed. “I just said something was complicated, and Michael told me to uncomplicate it.” I smiled at her.

She laughed lightly, then looked at the two of us. “It’s Valentine’s Day, and it’s beautiful out. Go get an ice cream or something, but don’t hang out inside.”

“Yes mum.” Michael and I followed her downstairs, then headed out the front door when she turned to go into the living room.

“Have fun!” She called.


We decided ice cream was a good idea, and walked to the nearest ice cream parlor. We got our ice cream, then headed to the beach, which was super crowded.

“Oh my god.The beach and the wharf would be the last place I would think about taking my girlfriend on Valentine’s Day. If I had a girlfriend.” Michael muttered.

“Honestly. It’s like no one can think of anything else to do. C’mon, let’s go to the Cove.”

“Oh, good idea.”

We climbed over a few rocks on the beach, and walked for a while. We weren’t the only ones on the rocks, but we walked further than anyone else did. Eventually, the rocks dipped downward, and  we came to an excluded little inlet that was free of all human activity. I had found this on accident before I transferred schools a few years ago, and once I showed the boys, it became our our private little beach. We had nicknamed it the Cove, for reasons long forgotten, but the name stuck and we’re not about to change it.

“Alright, now that we’re alone, uncomplicate your relationship with Nora for me.” Michael said once we had gotten comfortable.

“Alright, fine. But you have to promise not to tell anyone. Not even Calum and Luke.” I looked at his seriously.

“Ok? I promise I won’t repeat what you’re about to tell me to anyone, not even Calum or Luke, without your permission.”

“Fine. You know that story about the necklace and the lantern?” I started. Michael nodded. “Well, the girl was Nora. She didn’t just move back to Australia from Norway, she moved back into the exact same house.”

“Oh. Wow, I was not expecting that.”

“I didn’t think so.”

“Tell me more!”

“About what?”

“About Nora! What are your favorite memories with her, how has she changed, why you  won’t make up with her.”

“Um. Well. . . my favorite memory. I don’t know.”

I told him about all my memories with her, when we snuck out to play in the rain, how she’d stand up to bullies, how sassy she was. I told him about how her mum fussed when she picked up up after we had a balloon fight at school, how she always tried to teach us math or english when we went over to her house, and how we always tried to avoid doing all our homework at my house because her mum wasn’t a help when we needed it. I told him  about all the birthdays we had shared, all the times we met up at the park, and when we did our homework there.

I told him about all our sleepovers, and how we would think we were being quieter than a mouse, but in reality we were keep everyone in the house up until two A.M. I told him about how Nora had gotten me into music  and how we’d sing together all the time, and how when I got interested in drums, she always tried to help convince my parents to get me lessons until they gave in.

I told him about all our play dates at the park, and the crafts we used to do at her house and the games we'd play at mine. I told him about the winter crafts of snowmen and and Christmas trees we made with her mum, and baking cookies and cakes with her dad. I told him about when we had heard a story about mummies in school and we wanted to make our own, so we wrapped each other in toilet paper and scared our parents.

We talked for hours, and I did my best to not get questioned about forgiving her. But the inevitable happened, and he asked me. I responded by telling him that I couldn’t control myself around her, or my emotions. When I looked at her, or talked to her, I would feel angry and uncooperative, but at the same time, sad and lonely.

He told me I should listen to her, and hear her side of the story.

I told him I knew that, but I wanted my emotions in check first and I didn’t know how long that would take.

He said that sucked, but he agreed with my reasoning, and would support me and be there for me no matter what. He promised me that if I ever need to talk, or unload emotions,he’d be available, and that I could rely on him.

“Thank you.” I told him when he said that. “Thank you so, so much. You have no idea how much that means to me.”

“Don’t worry about it. That’s what friends are for.”

“Promise not to tell Luke and Calum? I know it’s not cool to keep secrets from them, but they’re friends with Nora, and I don’t want it to become awkward between them.”

“Of course. Your secret is safe with me.”

A/N: That’s Chapter 12! Hope you enjoyed! The picture on the top is how I imagine Nora. Good night!

Song of the Chapter: Bleeding Out by Imagine Dragons

- Kat -


Words: 1150/1184


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