- 20 - N o r a - An Important Question

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- N o r a -

When I woke up on Saturday, I had weird feeling in my stomach. Like, the kind of gut feeling you get when you know something is going to go really wrong, or really right. That feeling that makes you know there are either going to be big consequences or bid rewards that day.

Today, I had a particularly warm feeling, but I was nervous too.

I knew that something was going to happen today. Something huge.

I just wasn't sure what was going to happen, and it bothered me.

Since I knew dwelling on it would just frustrate me more, I pushed the feeling to the back of my mind, and decided to just wait for whatever that feeling was indicating to happen. I got up, and picked out my clothes, and took a shower. I dressed in the bathroom, then returned to my room to brush out my hair and put on a little perfume.

It's been so hot recently that I've been wearing short shorts and spaghetti strap top, and would still be sweating by nine all week.

Today was, unfortunately, the hottest day yet. I was already sweating, and it was barely seven AM. I put on extra deodorant and antiperspirant, even though I knew it probably wouldn't help very much. I wasn't used to Summers in Australia anymore, I hadn't experienced one since I was like, five.

When I was ready for the day I looked out my window, into Ashton's room, and was surprised to see Ashton's bed empty. Maybe he was at one of the boys houses or something. The boys had been hanging out more often recently, writing songs I suspect. I had asked to join them, but they declined. They said they wanted to write some songs on their own, and would play them for me when they were done, and ask for my opinion then. I loved that they wanted to accomplish this on their own, but I really wanted to see how they wrote songs together. I had written a few songs myself, but no one needed to know that. I'm sure Ashton remembers how much I love music, listening to it, playing it, and in recent years, though he didn't know, writing it. I wanted to help, but they wouldn't let me.

I pushed my disappointment away and went downstairs for breakfast.

I didn't hear anything from Ashton or any of the others until three in the afternoon, when I got a text from Ashton.

Hey. Can you meet me for ice cream in five?

I was disappointed that he hadn't said anything more, but agreed to meet him nonetheless.

When I got there, Ashton already had ice cream cups for both of us.

"Hi." I said as I accepted my ice cream.

"Hey!" He replied cheerfully.

"So, what gave you free time?"

"I was bored and wanted to be outside. Also, I have a question I want to ask you. But first, the beach!" He gently took my hand pulled me to the overly crowded beach. We slowed down when we got there, so we wouldn't crash into anyone, and we ate our ice cream as we wove through the crowds.

There were so many people that we had finished our ice cream by the time we got to the rocks, and we were both grateful that someone had been smart enough to out a trashcan all the way over here. We threw away our empty cups and walked together to out secret tide pool.

When we had our feet in the cool water, I looked at Ashton. My curiosity was a fire in my mind, and somehow, I knew that what I had felt earlier this morning was connected to this and I grew nervous.

"So, what do you want to ask me?"

"Well, um. . . This isn't easy to say but. . . I'll try."

"Take your time Ash." I said gently. "We have all the time in the world."

"Right. Well, the thing is, uhm, I've, uh, I've liked you for a long time Nora." He said quickly. "When you moved away, I was heartbroken, mostly because you were my friend. As the years passed, I tried to not think about you, to just forget about you, because I was sure I'd never see you again. When I switched to this school and became friends with Michael, Luke, and Calum, I didn't tell the others about you because I thought you were a thing of the past. At the time, I also thought they'd think I was crazy for somewhat obsessing over a girl from my childhood and they'd start bullying me."


"When you came back, I was shocked. I honestly don't know why I was mad, but I avoided talking to you because I couldn't control my emotions around you. I was afraid that I'd say something terrible or embarrassing and we'd never talk again. Then, around graduation, I avoided you because I thought I'd say something and you wouldn't return the feelings and I'd embarrass myself and never be able to talk to you again.." I furrowed my eyebrows. Return the feelings? What was he talking about?

"So, my question to you is this: Nora, I've liked you for a long time, and I'm hoping you'd like to do on a date with me?"

For a few seconds, all I could do was stare at Ashton. In those few seconds, I realized that 'like' meant he had a crush on me. I realized that I had a crush on him too. I realized that he was actually asking me out, and that this wasn't a dream.

I saw Ashton open his mouth, and his eyes fill with disappointment, but I hugged him before he could say anything. Understandably, he didn't respond, though I could imagine his eyes going wide before his face morphed into his adorable confused face.

"Yes." I whispered. "I would love nothing more than to go on a date with you."

"Really?" He whispered back.


A/N: That's the last chapter! All I have is the epilogue, which I'll post before I go to my grandparents tomorrow, or later tonight. I'm going to see Home (the movie) at 6:30! Keep an eye out for the A/N I'm going to post in a few minutes, of what to expect now that I'm done with this, as well as the update about books I'm planning for the future. And please, comment your input!

Song of the Chapter: Light Me Up by Birdy

- Kat -

Words: 1004/1104


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