- 13 - A s h t o n - Telling the Boys - Part of It

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- 13 - A s h t o n -


"You need to tell them Ashton. Eventually, you'll have to tell them everything, and the longer you wait, the madder they'll be."

"I know Michael. But it's hard. I mean it Nora. What's not to like? Other than the leaving part. I can't tell them everything all at once."

"I know, but knowing this, and not telling Nora that I know, this keeping secrets business is eating me alive. Friends don't keep secrets from each other. We need to tell Luke and calum, soon! Even if you don't tell them everything, we need to tell them something! It's not fair to them."

"Alright, alright. I'll tell them at band practice tomorrow."

"Thank you."

I looked at Michael. He was already looking at me.

"I have no idea how I'm going to tell them." I sighed.

"Think about it tonight. You have until after school tomorrow to figure it out. Ask your mum or something. I dunno."

"Yeah. I'll ask my mum tonight."

"Good. I'm going to make them super curious about it. How much are you going to tell them?"

"About the necklace. The full story. I don't know about telling the the Nora is the girl, but I'll tell them about the necklace."


We sat there for a while. The silence was broken by my phone vibrating.

From: Mum

Hey Ash, come home soon. Dinner is almost ready. Okay?

To: Mum

Okay. Be there in 5.

"I have to go. Dinner, and talking to mum and . . . yeah."

"I should be getting home soon too. See you in school tomorrow. It's going to be Friday!"

"Yep. Bye Mikey. Thanks for being a good friend."

"No problem. Bye."


"Hey mum? Can I talk to you? Alone?" I glanced at Harry, who was facing the TV, and Lauren, who was doing homework at the table, but obviously listening.

"Of course dear. Let's go outside."

I followed mum to the back porch and shut the door behind me.

"What's up darling?"

"So. . . you know how Nora moved back a few months ago?" Mum nodded. "well, when she came back, I le-"

"You told me honey. Get to the point."

"I still haven't told Calum and Luke that I knew Nora before this year." I rushed out.

"Ashton! You need to tell them!"

"I know! I just don't know how to tell them."

"What about Michael?"

"He walked in when I was talking to Nora on the phone and made me explain why we're still fighting."

"Still? Haven't you made up already? Well, I suppose if you had, you would be spending time together and Calum and Luke would know everything. Ashton, you should give her a chance to explain. There was a reason, and if you don't listen, you'll regret it when your old. Give her a chance."

"I know. But every time I see her or hear her voice my face goes blank and my mind goes numb and I can't control myself and I end up saying something hurtful or just not talking at all. IT's so hard."

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