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A little while ago, my friend Invisible_Poet tagged me to do a chapter on bullying, so I'm going to do it now.

I've been bullied before. It wasn't SUPER serious, but when I look back on it, I do recognize it as bullying. It started in third grade, when we got a new student and I was trying to befriend her. One of the other girls I hung out with got jealous I guess, and eventually, we started arguing. We soon had an on-again-of-again relationship. One day, she'd be my friend, the next, my worst enemy.

By the time we got to fifth grade, we were straight up enemies, no question about it. The sucky part, was that she took all the other friends I had with her: She told them lies and started rumors about me, and soon all the girls I hung out with in previous years wouldn't even look at me. I found some new friends, and we got a long fantastically, and they didn't believe anything Casandra, we'll call her, said. 

Casandra and I argued all the time, but I never harmed her, or started nasty rumors about her. She would always insult me, but neither of us ever physically hurt each other. What hurt most though, is that when I first came to the school at the start of first grade, Casandra was the first person I met, and my first friend.

In hindsight, I realized that Casandra was what you could call the stereotypical popular mean girl in elementary school, and though we haven't spoken in four or five years, I have a feeling she'd still the mean popular girl, and probably was all throughout middle school too.

When this started, all the way through the last day of fifth grade, I was hurt. I didn't focus on it, and I don't today, but I was hurt, and when I think about it, sometimes, it still does. Bullying for any reason isn't cool, and you have no right to judge anyone until you know their story.

I want to help you guys. I don't generally feel bad for people, because I have trouble connecting with them,  but I'll always be here for you to lean on, and give you advice. All you have to ask.

I do my best not to judge someone without getting to know them, and I always remind my self not to, and I hope all of you guys do the same.

Now, to nominate others to do this, I nominate

- CHBhalfblood

- Sarafina1999

- Imagine_Fantasy


- atrueGryffindor

Thank you for reading,

- Kat -

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