- 15 - A s h t o n - Graduation

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- A s h t o n -

"Wake up Ashton." I felt someone shaking me. "Come on, honey. Wake up." I realized it was my mum.

"I'm up, I'm up."

"Good. It's your last day of school! You're graduating this evening!"

It's my last day of- IT'S MY LAST DAY OF SCHOOL! EVER! My eyes shot open. "Thank you for reminding me mum! I can't wait to graduate and be done with school forever!"

"Hahahaha! We'll, I have one requirement: Patch things up with Nora this summer, please?" She walked out of the room and my smile faded.

I'm getting better at this. I told myself. It's true. I don't see red when I hear her name or see her. . .

I put all thoughts of Nora in the back of my mind. I got up, dressed, and walked downstairs for breakfast. I heard mum talking to Lauren.

"But I want to be out of school now, like Ashton, so we can go to the pool and the beach and get ice cream."

"Oh, honey, you only have a week left. So does Harry. Besides, Ashton will be focusing in his band this summer, and things like that. Don't worry about it."

Oh yeah. We get out before the younger kids. Better not mention it at the table. . .

I sat down and smiled at Lauren, who was eating pancakes. "Don't worry, you'll be graduating soon enough. Time will fly, you'll see. Summer awaits, and you'll be able to enjoy it even more once school is out for you." Mum put a plate of pancakes down in front of Harry and I.

"Easy for you to say. You're graduating today!"

"Hey, I was once your age you know. I had the same attitude. School's not that bad. Don't think about it. Next week will fly by. You'll see." I looked at Harry. "Both of you will."

We finished eating in silence. When I was ready to go, I gave Harry and Lauren a hug and left for school.

When I arrived, the other three were already there. I walked up to them.

"Hi! Congratulations, you're both graduating! Lucky bitches."

"Thanks, Michael. You've only got a year left. Time will fly." I jumped. Apparently, Nora had been dropped off as I was walking by.

"Yeah, thanks Michael. I was telling the same thing to Lauren and Harry this morning. They both have another week before they get out."

Luke laughed. "I forgot the younger kids have an extra week. Whatever, I have news! I checked the YouTube channel and I'm proud to say we're doing well! We have almost 4,000 subscribers!"

"Really? No way! Are you serious?" Nora said as my eyes widened and my jaw dropped.

"Yep! I was with him when he checked last night! We decided to tell you in person mainly because it was really late." Calum assured us.

"Awesome! Guys. This is amazing!" I smiled.

"I know! We could go somewhere if we stick with this." Michael said."And if we start-" Calum was cut off by the bell. "Tell you at lunch." We nodded and headed to the auditorium for the end of year assembly. 

"Hello students! It's the last day of school, and we have big things planned!" Mr. Pierson started his speech. He didn't actually have big things planned. He gave the same one every year, and the boys and I mouthed along to it.

We mouthed along to how much Mr. Pierson loved this year, and how much all the teachers would miss us, and by the time all the teachers had finished talking, all the seniors, most of the juniors, and even some sophomores were mouthing their words along with us. Even Nora had joined in - I suppose she heard similar things in Norway.

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