Chapter 19-Loss

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-------------------------------------------------------------------- Peter was finally able to move his fingers and eventually he broke out of his confinement. His eyes were completely blood shot, and his hands were shaking as he trudged back to camp.

Felix was the first one to see him, and instantly he could tell something was off. "Pan's what's wrong?" When Peter came into a closer view. "Have you...have you been crying Pan?" Felix's body was hurled against the tree in the middle of the camp.

"He's got her." Peter choked out.

"Who?" Felix asked trying to stay calm for Peter.

"Hook, he's got her." Peter's voice cracked as his grip on Felix loosened and slid back to the ground.

Bucky stormed over and grabbed Peter by the shoulder and whipped him around. "How could you let her get captured!"

Peter grabbed Bucky by the collar, and Bucky started pulling at Peter and fighting back. "You think I wanted her taken!?"

"You do a very good job at pushing her away!" Then Bucky brought Peter closer so that the other boys couldn't hear the next words. "I care about her too, and I know how she feels about you."

Peter released his clentched jaw. "I finally stopped pushing her away and I lose her. I feel sick to my stomach because I don't know what's Hook's doing to her or what I have to do to get her safe." They let go of each other and stepped back.

"We'll get her back Pan." Felix said putting his hand on Pan's shoulder.

Peter brushed it off and left the camp.


* * *

The next morning your arms and back and neck were all sore for having to sleep tied to a chair throughout the night. Hook's bed was once again perfectly made. The night before, after Turner brought you dinner, Hook came in and said nothing except for a "Goodnight M'Lady" then slipped into his bed.

Turner walked in with breakfast. He set the plate down and worked on untying on of your arm. As he removed the ropes he notice your wrists were covered in blue and purple bruises.

"Bloody hell." He said looking at the marks.

You raised up your arm and gasped at what the ropes had done overnight. Then you looked at Turner. He looked disgusted with himself.

"Miss, I'm so sorr-"

"Hello again sweetheart." Jameson announced barging into the room. "If you're already tired of sleeping in the Captain's room, you could stay with me. Of course you'll still be tied up." He smirked.

Turner chuckled under his breath before standing up and walking over the obnoxious man standing in the doorway. Turner raised his fist and socked him square in the face. Jameson crashed unconscious to the floor.

"I never liked him anyway." Turner said.

Hook came down the stairs of the ship to his room. "The hell was that noise?" He glanced down at the man. "What happened to him?"

"He fell." Turner concisely explained.

"Ah yes that perfectly explains his broken nose and the corresponding blood on your knuckles."

"Exactly." Turner agreed then stepped over the body and quickly left.

"Now why did he have to leave so fast. I need someone to drag Jameson back to his bunk." Hook sighed then shouted out the door, "Mr. Smee!" Smee was prompt to respond. "Take Mr. Jameson back to his bunk. As soon as he wakes up, I want him working."

"Yes Captain." Smee answered then dragged the limp man out.

Hook once again, just as yesterday, pulled up a chair in front of you and sat down.

"It takes quite a bit to get Turner that angry, what happened?"

"That guy made some comments about tying me up in his room."

Hook ran his tongue across his front top teeth and scruntched his nose showing he wasn't pleased at the actions of the man.

"If it makes you feel any better, I've wanted to throw him overboard for a long time. Only reason I haven't is the need for deckhands. If you haven't noticed there's a severe lacking of available ones on Neverland." He paused. "Well let's get on with the questions."

This time Hook wasn't going to win. Your turn to take control of the interrogation.

"I'm perplexed Hook."

"Eager to speak today? Wonderful. Why so perplexed?"

"Why hasn't anyone come to get me?"

"You think you can ask the questions?

"Yes, I think I can. I'll make a deal with you Hook. Answer my questions and I'll answer yours. Why has no one come to get me yet?"

Hook seemed hesitant yet intrigued. "There's a protective field a few kind pixies cast preventing anyone I don't like from coming on my ship."

"Next question, how did you lose your hand?"

"Isn't it my turn to ask a question?" Hook countered.

"You just did, and no it's not your turn yet. How did you lose your hand?"

Hook swallowed hard showing he didn't want to answer. "A selfish coward took it from me many years ago."

"Wait I thought it was a crocodile!"

"I refer to him as the crocodile because of the look of his skin. How did you know that?"

"In the land I come from, there are stories of Neverland. In my time here I've found them to be not quite correct. In your story, Peter Pan is the hero, you're the villian, and you lose your hand to a crocodile."

"Pan is the farest thing from a hero of any story." Hook scoffed. "Crocodile is the name I gave the Dark One he, resides in the Enchanted Forest."


"What else did these stories say about me?"

"For starters you had a big floppy red hat you wore around, and you don't so that's wrong, and second you had long hair, but you don't so wrong again."

"I actually used to have longer hair when I was younger."

"So that was partially right. Umm what else...well you were a giant coward. That one is actually spot on." You glared.

Hook lunged forward and held his freshly sharpened hook to your cheek. "I'm no coward." He spoke between cluntched teeth. With your free hand you tried to push him away, but his hand caught your wrist, causing you to hiss with pain. Hook looked confused at your reaction until he saw your bruises. He didn't seemed pleased at all with the condition you were in but just decided to sit back in his chair.

You moved on with the next question. "Why is your bed always made so neatly? It doesn't seem like a pirate thing to do."

"It's a habit."

"You're worried your mom's going to yell at you if you don't?"

He laughed a bit at that. "It's a habit from being in the navy."

"You're were a sailor of the navy?"

"The royal king's navy second in command lieutenant." You were shocked. "Not everyone is born into piracy. In fact this entire crew were sailors serving the kingdom, until we saw the corruption within it."

"You were a lieutenant and now a captain. How did that happen?"

Hook cleared his throat. "The former Captain died. His death was the reason we left serving the king."

"What happened?" You asked not sure if he'd be willing to reveal the truth, but it seemed Hook was fairly vulnerable at this point and began to speak.

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