Chapter 2-Camp

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Peter guided you with Felix in tow through the thick brush of the jungle. You went through a particularly heavily treed area that led to several branches and huge leaves smacking you in the face. Peter noticed how you were struggling and tried his best to make a clear path for you.

"This part's a little tricky." Peter said while climbing down a loose and rocky decline. "Here." He said holding out his hand to you. You accepted and thanked him quietly. A short time later you entered a clearing with a fire pit in the middle.

"Come on boys!" Peter yelled.

Suddenly faces appeared all around you coming through the tree brush and hanging down from branches.

"Boys this is Jess. She's our newest Lost B-Girl." Peter announced. "I assume you'll make her feel welcome, but for now it's late. As you were."

Faintly you heard a whisper, "Why bother with this one. She won't last long. Girls never do."

That was followed by several boys agreeing, but at the last second you heard, "Give her a chance."

"This way." Peter's voice startled you.

"Yeah. Yep. Coming." You replied.

Peter climbed up a tree to show you where you would sleep.

"Now here's my room." He said pointing to one door opening. "And your room is here."

The room was small and by appearances had been unused for some time. The floor was creaky but sturdy. There was a small bed pushed off into the corner with a simple nightstand beside it. The other side of the room had a dresser and a chair.

"I'll get you some clothes." Peter said standing behind you.

"Thank you."

You walked over to the bed and sat down on the quilted cover.

"So here's some clothes to sleep in, some ones to replace whatever it is you're wearing, and some blankets in case you get cold." He said sitting the things down.

"Thank you again."

"Still think this is a dream?"

"Yes and it's a pretty good one." You said looking up at him.

Peter smiled and pinched your shoulder.

"Ow. Why'd you do that?"

"This isn't a dream luv. You'll learn that soon enough. There are many things on his island besides a pinch that can hurt you...anyway good night Jess. Good work. Sleep well. I'll most likely start your training in the morning."


"Yes of course. You'll need to know how to take care of yourself in Neverland."

"Okay. Well then I guess I'll see you tomorrow morning."

Peter turned to walk through the door, but he stopped himself. "If those blankets aren't enough you can just come steal some from me. I usually run hot anyway."

"I'll keep that in mind."

With that Peter left you alone in your room. Unintentionally your thoughts wondered to his comment about running hot. "Yeah he does." You said aloud without realizing.


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