Chapter 48-Spoons

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Henry walked beside you while Emma stayed behind on the way to camp. Smells of a feast filled the air. The closer to camp, the more heavenly the aroma. Carter must have been cooking the meat he collected today during his early morning hunt with Devon and some fresh bean stew.

"What smells so good?" Henry asked with glazed over eyes as if the food was the only thing on his mind.

"Carter's cooking." You smiled.

"Smells better than anything Granny's cooked." He replied and Emma just lightly laughed in agreement.

"Who's Granny?" You asked.

"Oh she a woman that owns a diner and lives back in Storybrooke. She's actually Red Riding Hood's grandmother."

"Red Riding Hood is real too?"

"Hey I was surprised about Peter Pan, and I even know Captain Hook." He answered.

"You guys must spend a lot of time with the Captain. It's nice to see people who find him tolerable. It'd be a good example for Peter." You threw a glance back at Emma since you were aware of their courtship.

"So Hook and Peter Pan really do hate each other?" Henry commented.

"Well, I wouldn't say they hate each other, at least anymore, because they certainly used to, but now it's more of a moderate disliking of each other."

"Why did they hate each other to begin with?"

"It's a long, complicated explanation."

"Go ahead."

"Killian Jones first came to the island with his brother-"

"Liam." Emma spoke.

"Indeed, so you know what happened with Liam and how Killian became a pirate and then became Hook?" They both nodded. "Right so Hook blames Peter for his brother's death. Peter blames Hook for his intrusion, but it doesn't stop there. Hook came back to Neverland to have time to figure out how to defeat the dark one, and Peter was angry he was back on the island. Hook wanted Peter's power to overcome the Dark One, so he tricked many lost boys into betraying Peter. As you can imagine, this didn't sit well with him. He ridded the island of spies in the most unfortunate ways." Emma and Henry frightened while you revealed the last bit of information. You sighed before continuing, "Yeah, so anyway, Hook found another way to kill the Dark One. Now he just needed to get off the island, but Peter decided to keep him from leaving by secluding him to one part of the island."

"Pan decided to put Hook in timeout?" Henry asked.

"Basically, really they all just fight like children. Except kids don't typically take hostages." Emma looked wide-eyed and scared. You just replied amusedly, "Oh yeah you'll have to ask him all about that."
You weren't trying to ruin Emma and Hook's relationship by any means, but it's just so easy to get him stirred up and flustered. Peter will be proud. Plus, she'd have to find out sometime. Henry just laughed, which only perturbed Emma more. Isn't this what kids are supposed to do with their parents? Parents embarrass their children, so kids retaliate by making them worry just a little bit. Of course in the end, the children are usually good kids, and the parents are just paranoid.

Amidst your thoughts, your small group had approached the edge of camp. "Carter that smells amazing."

The tall brown-eyed boy blushed and motioned you over. Naturally Henry followed. Carter pulled out two wooden spoons and passed them out. Each of you took a spoonful and enjoyed the delicious savory stew.

"It's even better than it smells." Henry added while in food heaven. Carter again smiled at the gratitude shown him.

From the direction of your tree house, Peter approached the three of you. "Carter please tell me that's almost ready, it smells delicious."

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