Chapter 26-The Loot

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"I should call for Pan. Then we can start on the negotiation, and we'll all get what we want." Hook said standing up from the seat.

"Peter probably wants your head on a platter so maybe not everything we want." You add.

"Pros and cons." Hook said then exited his quarters.

Now that you were free of your restraints you grabbed your pack and slung it over your shoulder. Ignoring Hook's warning to remain in the room, you peaked out the large wooden door. "Will." You called out. He hadn't strayed far after Hook told him to leave his quarters.

"Yes miss?"

"Just before I go, can you show me a bit of the ship? Please, I want to see what a real pirate ship looks like."

"Hook won't like you venturing out of the quarters."

You bit your bottom lip and nodded as if pondering Will's advice. "Yeah I don't I care. Now, can you show the ship?"

Will laughed under his breath. "Sure, I'll show you a bit."

                                          *  *  *

"And this is the end of the tour. Now please go back to the Captain's Quarters, he'll be angry you left."

"That was hardly tour and I told I don't care about Hook's instructions."

"Sorry miss this is what you get." Will stood his ground.

You rolled your eyes and as you did so, you caught sight of a door Will hadn't included in the tour. "What's behind that door?"

"That's where Captain keeps the loot. No one is allowed in their except for the Captain and Smee."

"I want to see pirate treasure." You stated then pried open the door.

"You can't-."

"Wow." You whispered as your eyes scanned the overflowing treasure chests, elaborate furniture, and massive paintings.

"We need to leave." Will warned.

"There's so much here."

"We happen to loot a royal ship shortly before our journey to Neverland. Never had time to sell it while docked."

You strided over to a large dresser and slid open a drawer and ran your fingers over the silky continents. After gently closing the drawer, you opened the wardrobe and found gorgeous dresses. There was a long red velvety dress, a blush colored ball gown, and a beautiful white lace gown.

"Did Hook kill the people of the ship he looted?"

"No, but he did burn the ship. It was one of King Midas' ships."

"The guy that can turn anything to gold?"

"Yes. Taking these things from him and a ship hardly put a dent in his finances."

"Alright Will, let's go." You sighed shutting the wardrobe.

"You want something? I doubt Hook will miss it."

"If you steal something that's stolen, is that still stealing?"

"I don't think so. Anyway have your pick, it's the least Hook could do to repay you for holding you here."

"I don't need anything Will. I take from here, I take from the crew. Let's go." You brushed past Will and left the room.

Will took another glance at the room. He cautiously walked over to the dresser and picked up a jewel incrusted tiara. Rather than sitting it back on the dresser, he stashed in under his jacket then swiftly shut the door to the treasure hold.

You rushed back to the Captain's Quarters and settled down just as Hook reentered the room.

"I sent the message to Pan. He'll be here shortly I presume."

The thought of seeing Peter put a huge smile on your face.



So this chapter was a bit of a filler. I promise Peter will be in the next chapter. It's about time they got to see each other again.

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