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hey y'all! I apologize if you were hoping for a update, but it's not. I have an update coming out soon but before that I have to speak out on this first because this is more important. This is literally my most viewed book and I'm black so I can't just leave y'all unaware of what's going on. I won't say silent, I have to speak about this.

So if you don't know, the coons on tiktok are raging about how black authors are making black y/n stereotypical, by making her 'ghetto', 'rachet' & 'loud' and a whole lotta bullshit whining that's prompting lots of black authors to unpublish their books or even leave wattpad.

this type of shit fills such a burning rage within me I never knew I even had because many black authors that I know and love, had to unpublish/delete their own books because haters wouldn't stop commenting on their books, one of my friends LEFT wattpad, and now tiktok is complaining about 'ghetto, loud, sassy, black reader ain't it.'



everything we do is like a fucking issue for y'all, like are you deadass?! We give you black y/n, you complain, we don't give you black y/n you STILL complaining, at this point just say you're anti black and go !

luckily, i haven't been targeted by the smelly coons nor the whining tiktok accs hiding behind a damn screen but I promise you, I FUCKING PROMISE YOU, if I see any comments calling my y/n ghetto or whatever fucking slur/stereotypes in any of my damn books, I'm straight up deleting your comment and blocking you. I don't care if you're a long time friend, follower, nothing. I don't tolerate that shit on my account, deadass.

Us black authors work so hard to make black y/n a reality. Do you know how tiring it is seeing white y/n all the time? Do you know how FRUSTRATING it is reading, seeing a y/n that doesn't looks like you?!

I get so many comments, thanking me because there are people that finally have a character, a Y/N that looks like them. That shit makes me tear up, because I'm happy that I'm giving joy to my fans who are happy with my stories.

I have nothing against the white y/n , or 'silky straight hair y/n' shit. It just got so repetitive and lackluster, like every book is copy and paste, the same y/n over and over again. The "She blushed a deep red, twirling a strain of her straight hair with her index finger" type shit.

Like luv I don't have straight hair, my hair is all curls and although I am light skin and can turn red when embarrassed, I have family members who blush and you can't see it because they have darker pigmentation.

If you dislike the damn book, there's only three simple steps:

1. Don't comment
2. Don't comment
3. Don't fucking say anything and just LEAVE

I hate being harsh, but I have to because some people are like brick walls when you talk to them and unless you're serious with them, your words will go in one ear and out the other.

Tf y'all want us to write? A dense, stupid, clumsy, shy black y/n? Y'all deadass? Imagine if we all started like that. I bet my left finger and half brain cell y'all would still be whining. If y/n is loud ima make her loud, because she says what she gotta say, my y/n isn't no little bitch. I'm not making no ditsy dumb y/n to please y'all. No way.(unless I suddenly make one for my own enjoyment but that's not the point.)

I came here to write. For poc people to enjoy my stories and see people that LOOK like them. That use the same slang as them and act like them. Notice how for most of my books, all the fcs are either poc or black. With the exception of a few. I purposely made it that way.

This needs to stop. Because if this honestly continues,,, it isn't goin to look too good. Just be grateful us black people are finally getting rep! Isn't that what y'all wanted? C'mon. This is so disappointing. I can't even fathom that I have to write this. It's not that hard. If you have a problem wit it, follow the three steps above and you'll be mucho bueno, I promise you.

Also, for all you white whores or non black people in general pretending to be black people on tiktok and this damn app, if I find y'all, it's over for you bitches. So quit it.

anyways follow all these
amazing black


They're so talented go
support them NEOOOOWW

if you got any other amazing black authors , don't be keeping them to urself bb, comment!! They're soo many underrated black writers out there that need recognition!

I got so much more to stay but it's like,, I can't even put them into words at this point, but writing this definitely made me cool off some steam.

aye, you betta have followed them authors 🔫

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