Past Lies Will Come Back

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TW FOR SELF-HARM, SUICIDE, EMOTIONAL ABUSE, AND DISSACOCIATION. Also, apologies for not writing anything. I've been trying to take care of my mental health, so I've been slightly less active. If you need help, please go get some. Don't let yourself go so far that you can't come back. Go eat something and go get some water. Please take care of yourself, you lovely people. Also, thank you so much for 500 reads!!!

3rd Person POV-

Tommy sat on the edge of his seat, listening to his family yell. They had finally found out about all his self-harm. All the scars and fresh cuts along his arms. It didn't matter what he said: they just wouldn't listen. They just never listened. 

"Tommy!" His mother screamed. "How could you?! That is one of the most selfish things you could do! You are such a spoiled brat!"

Tommy clenched his eyes shut as tears started to roll down his face. This was the first time he had even expressed emotions in a very long time, but that didn't even seem to matter. Everyone was always commenting on how blank his face was. 

They couldn't read his emotions and he was okay with that. Tommy didn't want people picking at him and trying to figure out what was going on. No one needed to know. No one. 


I sat there, tears running down my face even though I didn't feel a single thing. I was just.... numb. My parents had actually found out. I can't believe they really did. 

I was honestly in enough pain as it was; they were just adding. My head was pounding and my throat felt like I had swallowed some nails. It hurt so badly. Please someone end this. Please someone end me. I'm so selfish as is. It wouldn't hurt for me to do something for myself. 

My parents eventually seemed to calm down and were quietly talking to each other. I excused myself and headed up to my room. It was about time something like this were to happen. 

I announced that I had something to say, hoping that everyone would show up pretty much. This would be my last night to say what I really meant. 


Hey everyone.

I know this is a little sudden, but I just wanted to tell everyone something that was fairly important to me. If you can't make it, I totally get it. This isn't important, so it's not something you need to join if you can't. It'll be in like 10 minutes. 

Within minutes, most everyone, except George, and Tubbo were in the video call. It was really hard seeing all of their faces, but I had to do this. They deserve to know what was happening, and how much I really cared about them.

"Hey everyone!" I said with as much enthusiasm as I could muster up. 

"Hey, Tommy," Wilbur said quietly. Everyone else just nodded or waved, which made me feel a lot worse. 

"I just had something I really needed to say. It's not important, so you can leave if you want to," I played with my hands, not even able to look at my computer. 

"Tommy," Karl spoke up, "whatever you need to say is really important. I don't care about what you might say, you gathered us all up. It was important enough that you wanted us all to hear."

"He's right," Techno interrupted. "You're important Tommy. I don't know what's been happening, but we're all listening. Now everyone hush, let Tommy speak."

I grimaced, sad that everyone actually seemed to care. "Well," I took a deep breath in and told them all about my major self-harm issues, my past hospital visits for od's, and how my mental health has been. It was really hard to do, but my chest did feel quite a bit better after doing so.  

In the end, I finally looked up at the screen. Everyone was crying. I guess at some point Tubbo had joined in, and his face was filled with grief. I felt so bad that I made everyone cry; I started to freak myself out. 

"Tommy," Karl said soothingly, "look at me. You are so strong. Thank you so much for telling us that. You may feel bad about it now, but believe me, it's worth it. Please, Tommy, you did nothing wrong. Again, thank you so much for telling us. I'm so sorry you've been dealing with all of this shit."

Wilbur was just staring down at his hands, saying nothing. Eventually, he spoke up. "Hey Tommy, do you want to go do something fun tonight? We could go get some ice cream, watch a movie; anything you like." His eyes were still red and puffy, but I could tell he wanted to help. 

"Thank you, Wil. I don't want to be alone right now, and my parents are making it worse. Could you maybe come pick me up?" I muttered, hoping that I could leave this hell soon. 

Wilbur smiled and nodded his head. His eyes were practically glowing after I had said that. A small voice squeaked, "Um.... do you think I could join in? I just kinda want to hang out with you guys." That small voice had turned out to be Tubbo. He looked really nervous, but I welcomed his presence. Whenever he was around, it felt like a ray of sunshine was beaming down on me. 

"Of course, Tubbo. I would love to have you there," I smiled, and just hoped Wilbur would be okay with that. 

After the call was ended, I just sat in my chair, stunned at what I had just done. I had just told everyone everything. It was terrifying, but there was a small bubble of hope in my chest that was rising. It felt really nice. 

I heard a sudden knock on the door, and my parents answer it. I knew it was Wilbur, and I heard Tubbo's voice, which made me smile. I ran down to the front door, shoved past my parents only carrying my phone, and hopped into Wilbur's car. This was exactly what I needed. I needed to get away from them. Wilbur smiled and waved at my parents as he eagerly walked to the car. 

This was going to be a really fun night.

AN- Thank you, everyone, so much for reading!! It really means a lot to me. I'll update this eventually and hopefully, I'll be getting to some other stories. Also, apologies if this wasn't written well, I just wanted to do something. 

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