I'm Sorry, My Son (Passerine based story)

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This is a Passerine (sbi au) based fanfic of a letter from Philza to Tommy. Also, if this needs to be taken down, I will. I just really wanted to write it as it's been stuck in my head for days. 


Link to the original fic-  https://archiveofourown.org/works/28755084/chapters/70509990




My dear Tommy, 

I hope you are happy now. I'm sorry I was never able to be there for you. I'm sorry that I had to leave you when your mother died. I was overwhelmed and I needed to leave. You had Techno, so I thought everything would be okay. 

I'm sorry I never got to pick you up that one last time. I'm sorry I never got to watch you duel Techno or even Wil. I wish I could've been there. 

If I could go back and change everything, I would. You and Wil mattered most to me, and yet, I left you both. I should've come back. I'm so sorry. 

I'm sorry I never got to see you smile. You were such a happy kid. Your mother used to pick you up and you would smile and laugh without a care in the world. That was such a nice time. 

I would do anything to bring you back. I'm sorry I left and I can never forgive myself. I hope, at least, my apology will mean something to you. 

I abandoned both you and Wilbur. I should've been there to raise you. I should've been there to take my responsibilities. I shouldn't have run away. I'm a coward and a fool. 

You never got to truly know who I was. I'm so sorry Tommy, you really never found out. I was a god, you know. I've lived for thousands of years, but I settled down. I wandered no more and had both of you with your mom. It was the best time of my life. I have never loved anything as much as you two. 

If I could give my own life for yours, just so you would have a chance at living, I would. I've lived hundreds of lifetimes but this was the only one that truly meant anything. 

I'm so sorry, my son. I loved you, but I couldn't be there for you when you needed it. I failed as a father and I failed you. 

I'm so sorry Tommy. 


Your Father

I picked up my letter.  Even holding it in my hand made my heart sink. I really had to accept it. My son was really dead, and I abandoned him. I'm sorry Tommy. I'm sorry I couldn't be the father you deserved. 

I lit a small flame from the match and lifted it up to the paper. Crackling, the paper went up in flames. I had to let him go. It burned intensely, but only for a few moments. 

Maybe Tommy would get my message. Maybe he could smile one last time as he reads it. 

I walked away from the ashes on the ground and stood in the grass. I looked up at the sun, and with tears in my eyes, I launched off the ground. As the wind hurtled past my ears, I could only think of one thing;

I miss you, Tommy and I'm sorry. 

(543 words)

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