8 august 2012

28 2 0

i wake up in the hotel bed and check my phone

2 new messages from Lou
5 new messages from the boys
3 new messages from scar
5 new messages from Robert

I open the ones from Louis first to see what he's said


Hey haz told me how you did
So happy that u did well
Call me when u get a chance

Lol thanks Lou, I'll call u after
Cause  I have something on now
I think

I go through the rest of the messages and the gc with Harry, Lou, Liam, Niall and zayn to see their congrats

I then scroll down to look at scars


Lol good job on ur comps
Glad to see u don't suck
Jk call me when u can

Ha ha
Wow thanks I guess scar

I open the ones from Robert aswell

Old man

Good job madds i know you've
Probs heard that a lot tho
Congrats tho and I hope everything's
Going good

Haha thanks
'Preciate  it

I turn my phone off and go out to find haz sitting on the couch scrolling on his phone waiting for me to get up

"hey there's the fantastic gymnast" he says looking up from his phone

"ha ha, but thanks" I sit down beside him and join him on scrolling through our phones and I go through insta to see what everyone's up to.

I get up and grab some food before sitting back down on the couch before haz tells me we have to go for gym. I reluctantly get up from my position on the couch to follow him down to the car and we drive off to the stadium for the all arounds.

——-skip to announcing the scores cause I can't be bothered——-

We go to the announcing bit and Harry and I were sitting there nervously, waiting for my scores.

We wait longer, it seem like a million hours before the scores flash on the screen as we frantically try to find my name, and I find it right at the top, above everyone else. And right next to my name was the score,


I won.

I can't believe I won

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