12 sad

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(You and Nash are famous obvs)

Nash was at magcon and I went to surprise him as I haven't seen him for a month now.

I went through reception at the arena that the event was taking place and they're were a few fans so I took a picture of them

"What are you doing here y/N?" one of the fans asked.

"Oh I came to surprise Nash I've been missing him you know, what are you girlies doing out here anyway you should be in the event." I told them.

"Yeah we came to go to the toilet do you know where they are? The one girl asked and I pointed to where the girls bathroom was.

They gave me one last hug and thanked me for the picture.

I opened the doors to where the boys were doing their thing and I stood at the back of the isle leading up to the stage that was in front and the fans were either side of the isle.

I watched them do their thing and I felt really proud then the fans were aloud to ask questions to the guys.

This one girl got up on this bit at the side where there was a microphone to ask the question.

"Hi my question is for Nash and I just wondered could I kiss you?" She asked and I thought it was so cute

Me and Nash agreed that we could let our fans kiss us but it had to be on the cheek and we also agreed that we couldn't kiss them unless it was a thumb kiss it was a thing that we have always said since we've been dating.

"I can kiss you if you want?" He said to her and he got her up on stage.

"I love you, you make me so happy nash." She said and she hugged him and everyone awed.

"I love you too thanks for your support." He said sweetly which I found cute.

"Did you say you wanted a kiss?" He asked and she nodded.

"Wait, don't you have a girlfriend?" She asked.

"Nope." He said which I thought was weird then he leaned down and kissed her she kissed back and he put his hand on her cheek while people took pictures and the boys around were shocked.

I walked a bit closer down the isle.

"Nash." I said faintly and the fans that saw me started saying my name then Cameron looked at me.

"Oh my god Nash y/N." He said and Nash pulled away from the girl and looked at me, i lightly shook my head at him then turned around.

"Y/N wait." He said but I just walked away.

"Excuse me." I said to the security and they opened the doors for me, Nash jumped off the stage and ran down the isle after me, everyone was that shocked that not even the fans tried to get to him running down the isle they just all starred in shock.

"Close the doors this is private." Nash told security so I guess they did.

I went outside the building then Nash came to me and grabbed my arm.

"Don't fucking touch me!" I said and I pulled away from him.

"Babe I can explain." He said.

"I witnessed everything there is nothing to explain Nash, I thought we agreed." said sadly and he looked down

"We did." He answered.

"Well why do this, if this is what you do every time you go on tour then we can't be together anymore." I told him and he looked back up at me

Nash Grier Dirty/Sad ImaginesUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum