17 forced

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He opened the door and Pushed me though it harshly then slammed it behind us.

"Get up the stairs." He told me and I froze stiff

"NOW." He yelled and he pushed me again I walked up the stairs and he was pushing me to move faster.

He pushed me in our bedroom then closed the door, he turned me around to face him where his blue eyes looked at me evilly.

"DONT YOU EVER PLAY ME UP LIKE THAT AGAIN DO YOU UNDERSTAND." He yelled and I couldn't bare to look at him so I looked down hoping he wouldn't yell any more.

"Look up, at me." He said firmly with a deep voice, I slowly looked at him and my started to fall.

"TALK TO ME, DO YOU UNDERSTAND!" He yelled again.

"Yess yes I do." My voice trembled as I spoke.


"Yeah I know I I'm sorry." I told him but my attitude was lifeless, he slapped me harshly around the face where I hissed in pain.


He pulled me closer to him.

"Are you gonna be good or am I gonna have to teach you?" He asked.

"I will be g good I swear." I said.

"Kiss me." He said.

"You yell at me like that and expect me to kiss you." I said having a bit more confidence, he looked at me sharply.

"You what? I'm your boyfriend you will do as I say." He said.

I stepped closer to him and I kissed his cheek.

"What was that?" He asked.

"You asked me to-"
He cut me off.

"Yeah not like that do it properly." He said and I just stood.

"NOW." He yelled so I kissed him with mean and he kissed me back, he bit my bottom lip really firmly and he tugged then pulled away.

"Aww daddy made you bleed." He said and he turned me around to look in the mirror.

I looked at myself and all my makeup had ran and I was shaking my lip was bleeding it looked horrible.

"Look at the state of you." He said and he turned me back around to face him.

"Your a bitch and a whore aren't you?" He asked, I smacked him around the face.

"RIGHT THATS IT, do you know I was gonna play easy but not now, Take off your bottoms." He told me but I didn't.

"Am I going to have to do it for you because your a lazy hoe who can't do it herself." He said and he came closer to me, I looked at him with horror and walked back until I was on the bed.

He continued to come closer to me and he pinned me down.

"Now you stay there." He said and he moved down and pulled off my bottoms I tried to kick him but it didn't work and I was close to giving up.

He got on top of me and kissed me harshly I kissed back though and he bit my bottom lip on my cut that he had made before making it sting like hell he pulled away and starred at me deeply.

"Now what are you gonna give me?" He asked.

"No Nash please." I begged him.

"You can't be bad and expect to get away with it." He told me.

"I I'm sorry I won't do it again I swear Nash Please don't." I begged again.

He got off me and and he took off his jeans and he got on top of me.

"Do you want me to play with you?" He

"No Nash please." I said.

"Your manners are good so I guess I have to listen." He said

He tapped my legs and at this point there was nothing I could do and I wanted him to hurry and get it over with so I opened my legs and he looked at me.

"Good girl, I thought that would be the hardest part but obviously you want me to do this." He smirked.

"Please just-" I couldn't finish my sentence as he entered me firmly, my tears effortlessly fell and he kept wiping them away with his thumb.

"Don't cry baby just relax yourself okay." He said but I carried on crying he leaned down and kissed me I kissed back and he moaned then pulled away.

"Fuck Don't you think the kiss makes it better." He said and I shrugged.

"Please hurry up and get off me." I spoke hardly at all.

"I'll be done soon." He said as he kept going.

He hit this place and I tensed it kinda hurt a little.

"Fuck do that again." He said.

"No I don't want you to do this." I said.

"You want me to hurry up so just one more time and I'll cum for you." He
Said so I did it again and he
Eventually came.

He leaned down and kissed me and I kissed back he then got up and got dressed then he went in the bathroom and got a tissue.

He came over to me and put the tissue on my lip.

"That should stop the blood a bit." He
Said and he went downstairs

I got up and got dressed then I went downstairs to see what he was doing.

He was sitting on the sofa on his phone, he looked at me and smiled.

"Come here baby." He said so I went over to him.

He put his arm around me and I shivered at his touch.

"That'll teach you never to be bad for me again eh baby." He said I looked at him and he smirked.

"NASH NO PLEASE." I screamed and I woke up, I looked next to me Nash was looking at me he held me close to him.

"Baby what's up?" He asked

"I had a d dream." I said shook.

"It's okay I'm here." He said and he
Kissed my cheek.

"Your lips bleeding did you bite it?" He asked.

I put my thumb on my lip and I had
Obviously bit it, it hurt a little.

He got out of bed and got me a tissue, he dabbed it on my lip.

"There you go all sorted." He said,
He took the tissue off and kissed me softly, I kissed back then he pulled away.

"Whatever your dream was it will never be reality so stay calm okay I love you." He said and I smiled.

"I love you too." I smiled back relieved that the whole thing was just a dream.


Nash Grier Dirty/Sad ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now