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So this ones for alymagcon I hope you like it.

Aaliyah's POV.
Nash has been away at Magcon for 2 months but after my what seemed like yearrssss of not seeing him he finally came back

I was at home just doing some random school work when the door knocked.

"I can do it!" My little sister shouted she's 6 but you wouldn't think it she has so much attitude and sass it's unreal.

"Okay." I said blankly trying to concentrate.

I carried on working and my sister was talking to someone so I thought it must have been my parents back from their little holiday they went on 2 days ago even though they are gone for a week and left me to look after my sister.

I heard someone come up the stairs and walk past my door so I knew it must be them.

"Hi mom how was it?" I shouted through to her room while I carried on writing.

"It was amazing thank you." He said,

That's when I knew this was not my mom and it wasn't my dad's voice either it was

"Oh my god Nash!" I shouted, I ran and hugged him and I felt so safe now he was back and holding me again.

"Did you miss me?" He asked.

"Stupid question." I laughed and hugged him tighter.

"I missed you so much baby." He said and I smiled.

"I hate you being away for so long because I miss you so much babe." I told him and he played with my hair a little.

"I know baby but one day I'll make you part of all this so we can travel the world together." He explained.

"I love you." I said.

"I love you too my princess." He answered.

I pulled away from him then I told him that I had made him something.

"Really go get it." He told me so I did.

I drawn him this picture with a bear in and the bear had a heart which said I love you on it.

"This is beautiful babe your so talented." He said and I smiled.

"Thank you baby." I answered.

He smiled then suddenly kissed me and I didn't expect it at all I kissed back then it was like he didn't even think, he just pushed me against the wall quite rough but it felt good

He picked me up and and placed me of my bed then got ontop of me and kissed me again, I kissed back and he deepened it, I didn't know he could be this rough and it was turning me on.

He pulled up my shirt and I took it off then he roughly kissed me again while making these desperate grunting noises.

I thought about my sister then I pulled away.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Nash my sister is here and she'll tell my parents." I told him

"It's okay she won't say anything." He winked and kissed me again I kissed back then I pulled at his shirt so he took it off and I took of my shirt too.

He placed kisses down my stomach until he came to my pants line, he slowly took off my pants and underwear where then he kissed my crotch.

"Nash please don't tease." I told him and surprisingly he did as he was told,but then suddenly he put his index finger inside of me making me bite my bottom lip firmly

He kept going until he licked my liquid off his fingers "well done baby." He smirked.

He kissed back up my stomach and kissed my lips again he tugged at my bottom lip and sucked for a second before letting it go, he looked at me with his crystal blue eyes slowly turning dark.

"Your turn baby." I whispered. And he smirked.

I lay him down on the bed and kissed him a few times before feeling down his toned body and coming to his pants line.

At his pants lined I slowly pulled them down revealing his hard growing member, I palmed him while he grunted deeply.

"C Come here baby." He told me so I went back up to him and I kissed his lips again.

"He removed the last piece of clothing remaining on my top half then he left wet kisses on my chest then he pulled me close to him

"Are you ready baby." He breathed on my lips making me shiver.

"Y yes." I said barely.

He slowly turned us over so I was under him and he slowly entered me.

"Mmm baby." He moaned deeply as he moved slowly.

I tried not to moan because of my sister but it was so hard when he was hitting the right place.

"Nash I'm gonna cum." I moaned as my breathing got heavier.

"When your ready baby." He whispered.

I moaned slightly and Nash moaned too.

"I'm close." He moaned.

I felt my walls get tighter as Nash moaned louder.

"Fuck." He moaned as he changed his pace

He kept going as I kept slowly closing in on him.

"Fuck baby." He moaned then I felt him cum as I did the same, he was riding out his high for a minute while he kissed me messy then he stopped and lay down next to me and took my hand.

"I love you Aaliyah." He said as he played with my hair.

"I love you too." I smiled warmly.

Just then my sister came into my room.

"Aaliyah can I-" she stopped.

"Why are you two in bed?" She asked.

"Because Nash has been on tour and he's tired so I'm letting him sleep." I told her.

"Hi." She waved at Nash and he smiled at her.

"Hi cutie." He answered and she giggle

"What's up amy amy?" I asked her

"Can I have some biscuits please?" She asked.

"Okay but don't have too many mom and dad will be back soon." I called down to her.

"Okay I won't." She answered as she hopped down the stairs.

"She's so cute." Nash said.

"She's so annoying." I said and he laughed.

I was glad that Nash was back
I feel lost without him sometimes seriously he really is my everything and I love him.

I'll update soon
Bye LUVS 💕

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