16 punished.

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"You are not going out with them they are thugs and they will hurt you." Nash told me.

"No Nash they're not they are guys that I work with and they asked Me to go out they are not goin to hurt me." I said.

"NO you are not going." He said.

"YES I am so bye and I'll see you when I get back." I said as I walked out the door.

"FINE BUT IM GONNA PUNISH YOU WHEN YOU GET BACK!" He yelled to me I pretended I didn't hear him although I did but I'd just make sure I stay out late so he's asleep before I get back GOOD THINKING I thought.

I stayed out and I tried to make sure it was late too.

When I got back it was 12pm but Nash wouldn't wait up that long because he gets tired easily so I thought he'd be asleep.

I opened the front door quietly and the house was in darkness.

He's asleep. I thought, good.

I put my bag down then I turned on the hall light and as I did Nash came and stood right In front of me which scared me so I jumped a little.

"Nash your scared the hell of of me." I said and he starred at me seriously.

"I didn't think you'd be awake." I said.

"You disobeyed me and you didn't listen to me did you." He said seriously.

"No because there was nothing to worry about you just think they are thugs because they have a lot of Tattoos but really-"
He cut me off.

"I was trying to act like the protective boyfriend that you said I should act like just 3 months ago." He told me because once I went out and he didn't care and some dick pushed me and I had to get stitches in my arm and I argued with him and said he should be more protective and ever since he
Has been but sometimes it's a bit ott protectiveness.

"Yes but I've known them long enough and-"
He cut me off.

"You know what happens when you disobey me don't you." He said.

"Yes but I-
He cut me off

"So what happens when you disobey Nash baby?" He asked but I didn't answer so he said it louder.

"What happen when you disobey Nash baby?" He asked again louder.

"Nash has to punish me." I said.

"Yes Nash does have to punish you doesn't he." He said and I nodded slowly.

"So come with me." He told me and he began to walk up the stairs what he didn't know was that I wasn't following him I turned around to run away from him but he jumped off the stairs and onto me where I fell with him on too of me he held me down and starred at me.

"Do we have to do this here or are you gonna follow me." He asked and he slightly lifted up my shirt.

"N no Nash please not here." I said and he got off me and helped me up.

"Then come with me, ladies first." He said and told me to go in front.

"Gentlemen just before." I said back and he looked at me sharply.

"Are you being cheeky?" He asked.

"No of corse not." I said

"Then move." He said so I walked in front of him and walked slowly up the stairs.
He leaned close to me.

"Oh and by the way I'm not a gentleman Since when have I ever been Gentle?" He asked.

"Oh never and if you have it must of been a dream." I said.

Nash Grier Dirty/Sad ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now